Performance Index | 504
M 40-44

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Yann's Race Results

Only races registered by organizers in ITRA will appear in your results
If some of your results are missing make sure that the race is registered in our calendar or directly contact the race organizer and ask them to join ITRA

Results/Race Information:
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2024-03-31 Trail Des Citadelles - 70 Km France 73 km / 3400 m+ 12:25:04 248 / 387 224 / 346 Subscribers only
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2023-09-23 X Trail Corrèze Dordogne - Les Balcons de la Dordogne France 26 km / 930 m+ 2:56:34 92 / 530 85 / 354 Subscribers only 275
2023-08-25 Grand Raid des Pyrénées - Tour des Cirques France 120 km / 7000 m+ 37:27:53 324 / 682 297 / 615 Subscribers only 310
2023-06-25 Trail des 3 Pics - T3PXL France 56 km / 3800 m+ DNF DNF Subscribers only 337
2023-04-09 Trail Des Citadelles - 70 Km France 71 km / 3290 m+ 12:28:06 331 / 423 301 / 379 Subscribers only
2023-02-12 Trail des Fontaines - TDF 42 France 41 km / 1480 m+ 5:20:22 42 / 78 35 / 62 Subscribers only 4 349
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2022-07-30 Montreux Trail Festival - MXALPS Switzerland 70 km / 5040 m+ 17:29:38 128 / 160 109 / 133 Subscribers only 10 249
2022-05-27 LA PASTOURELLE - Trail du Grand Cirque France 51 km / 2470 m+ 8:22:52 484 / 938 423 / 790 Subscribers only
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2021-10-23 Festival Des Templiers - BOFFI FIFTY France 48 km / 2190 m+ 7:52:40 192 / 555 172 / 466 Subscribers only 5
2021-09-25 X Trail Corrèze Dordogne - Les Balcons de la Dordogne France 25 km / 860 m+ 3:31:45 124 / 288 107 / 227 Subscribers only 3
2021-07-24 Montreux Trail Festival - MXSKY Switzerland 29 km / 2200 m+ 5:42:34 287 / 445 245 / 352 Subscribers only 9 370
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2020-09-26 X Trail Corrèze Dordogne - Trail des Tours France 50 km / 2050 m+ 9:01:06 263 / 451 239 / 397 Subscribers only 4 320
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