Stefano COAN

Performance Index | 485
M 23-34

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Stefano's Race Results

Only races registered by organizers in ITRA will appear in your results
If some of your results are missing make sure that the race is registered in our calendar or directly contact the race organizer and ask them to join ITRA

Results/Race Information:
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2023-06-23 La Sportiva Lavaredo Ultra Trail by UTMB - Cortina Trail Italy 46 km / 2570 m+ 9:54:11 1115 / 1463 785 / 946 Subscribers only 304
2023-04-25 DUEROCCHE - 35K Italy 35 km / 1820 m+ 6:04:50 111 / 169 95 / 129 Subscribers only 5 403
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2022-10-09 SAUCONY BORC TRAIL - BORC TRAIL 50K Italy 50 km / 2720 m+ 9:50:34 152 / 175 132 / 150 Subscribers only 6 6
2022-04-03 Trail del Patriarca - Trail del Patriarca Italy 23 km / 1400 m+ 3:32:52 191 / 404 178 / 314 Subscribers only 6 311
2022-02-20 Alpe Adria Snow Trail - Alpe Adria Snow Trail Italy 16 km / 560 m+ 3:25:52 39 / 124 34 / 92 Subscribers only 3 168
2022-01-09 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Urban 28 km Italy 28 km / 760 m+ 3:21:48 113 / 247 96 / 180 Subscribers only 3 178
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2021-10-10 BORC TRAIL - SKY BORC 35K Italy 35 km / 1990 m+ 6:12:40 117 / 171 99 / 138 Subscribers only 7 270
2021-05-23 Gran Raid - GR25 Italy 25 km / 1880 m+ 4:59:31 159 / 241 133 / 192 Subscribers only 8 256
2021-05-09 Madruk Trail - Madruk Trail 27 Italy 27 km / 1840 m+ 4:16:02 307 / 377 270 / 315 Subscribers only 8 440
2021-04-11 Trail del Patriarca - Trail del Patriarca Italy 26 km / 1550 m+ 3:30:34 344 / 490 312 / 408 Subscribers only 7 470
2021-01-10 Corsa della Bora - S1 Trail Half 21km Italy 22 km / 530 m+ 2:36:18 248 / 374 186 / 244 Subscribers only 2 140
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2020-10-11 BORC TRAIL - Borc Trail 2020 - Short Borc Alternative Route Italy 21 km / 1320 m+ 3:59:36 94 / 110 83 / 93 Subscribers only 8 260
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