Performance Index | 457
F 55-59

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Clara's Race Results

Only races registered by organizers in ITRA will appear in your results
If some of your results are missing make sure that the race is registered in our calendar or directly contact the race organizer and ask them to join ITRA

Results/Race Information:
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2024-01-06 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Trail Half Italy 21 km / 470 m+ 2:40:35 175 / 472 23 / 160 Subscribers only 2 148
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2023-01-08 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Trail Half Italy 22 km / 780 m+ 2:41:05 205 / 676 46 / 290 Subscribers only 4 156
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2022-01-09 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Urban 28 km Italy 28 km / 760 m+ 3:23:55 119 / 247 19 / 67 Subscribers only 3 178
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2020-01-05 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - Half Italy 20 km / 640 m+ 2:45:47 198 / 661 37 / 270 Subscribers only 3 140
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2019-01-05 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - Half Italy 21 km / 530 m+ 2:43:36 140 / 560 27 / 246 Subscribers only 2 140
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2018-10-14 Ecomaratona dei due Parchi - La mezza del monte Carso Italy 22 km / 830 m+ DNF DNF Subscribers only 370
2018-09-22 DELICIOUS TRAIL DOLOMITI - Short Delicious Italy 22 km / 1260 m+ 3:25:58 66 / 498 18 / 237 Subscribers only 7 200
2018-01-06 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Half Italy 21 km / 542 m+ 2:48:05 97 / 466 16 / 194 Subscribers only 3 140
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2017-01-06 S1 Trail La Corsa Della Bora - S1 Half Italy 20 km / 420 m+ 2:47:20 171 / 385 26 / 131 Subscribers only 2 170
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2016-04-24 Collio-Brda Trail - 24K Italy 24 km / 790 m+ 2:45:41 163 / 369 22 / 95 Subscribers only 220
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2013-09-08 DREI ZINNEN ALPINE RUN - DREI ZINNEN ALPINE RUN Italy 17 km / 1350 m+ 2:36:21 605 / 932 90 / 187 Subscribers only
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