Performance Index | 534
M 45-49

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Filipe 's Statistics

Number of races finished: 9 Total distance: 200 km Elevation Total: +10660m
Distance Category
Victories Top 3 Top 10 Top 50 Top 100
Overall 0 0 0 6 8
Gender based ranking
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Subscribe to an ITRA Subscription for just €12 per year (that's €1 per month) to unlock all ITRA Performance Index statistics
ITRA Performance index
Date Name of race Country Distance/elevation Time Ranking Race Score
2023-12-02 EPIC Trail Run Azores by decathlon - EPIC30 Portugal 33km / 2000m 4:25:08 33 / 239 Subscribers only
2023-10-07 Azores Bravos Trail - 35K Portugal 35km / 1570m 4:58:51 43 / 178 Subscribers only
2023-04-15 Desafio Vertical - DV Curto Portugal 12km / 730m 1:23:15 18 / 79 Subscribers only
2023-09-23 Trail dos Morcegos - TdM Curto Portugal 17km / 740m 2:01:47 29 / 143 Subscribers only
2023-04-29 TRAIL RUN REAL PRIOLO - TRAIL CURTO Portugal 18km / 990m 2:23:09 40 / 213 Subscribers only

Only the 5 best results from the last 36 months are taken into account in calculating the ITRA Performance Index

Best Race Score
Date Name of race Country Distance/elevation Time Ranking Race Score
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See the 5 best Race Score obtained by this runner for each distance category

Race Score & Performance Index progression
Distance Category

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