Event Information

 Veetka farm, Antsla vald, Estonia
18 September 2021

Veetka Ultra 2021

Veetka Ultra on kestvusjooks Karula rahvuspargi metsikus looduses, mis toimub regulaarselt septembri kuus alates 2020. aastast.

Veetka Ultra is a run in the wild nature of Karula National Park, passing through all the characteristic landscape types of one of the most beautiful natural areas in Estonia – beautiful forest lakes, boglands, and primeval forests. Participants can choose from 50, 35, and 15 km long runs.


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Veetka farm, Estonia

Finish Location: Veetka farm, Estonia

Type of Terrain: 40% Paths / 55% Tracks / 5% Roads