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FAQ Organizer

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About ITRA

ITRA is the largest trail running platform in the world.
We deliver the official Trail-Running world ranking, recognized by World Athletics. 

By joining us, you will be able to advertise your race on our international calendar & upload your race results and make all your competitors part of the Official Trail Running World Ranking.

Adding your races on our race calendar & uploading results on ITRA is FREE !  

You can also become a member (starting from 100€/year) and benefits from different services and support ITRA's actions.

As a member, you'll benefit from additional exclusive services dedicated to race organizer:
- ITRA points & evaluation of your race course
- Make your race part of the National League of your country 
- Advanced visibility on our race calendar

Some key data : 
- 165 countries representes
- 11 000 000 annual page views on our website
- More than 2 500 000 runners ranked by our Performance Index
- 4 000 organizers accounts
- More
than 26 000 races joined ITRA since 2013 !

We hope to welcome you, your races & competitors soon !


Account, membership & invoice

An ITRA account is mandatory to add & manage your race / results.

1- Create an ITRA account for free or log in your account.

Organizer guidelines

We have 2 options for race organizers :
  • Free account
  • ITRA member (between 100€ & 550€  per year) 

    Both options allow you to advertise your race on our website and make your competitors part of the Official trail running world ranking thanks to our Performance Index.

ITRA membership costs between 100€ & 550€  per year depending on your race registration budget.
The payment can be made at any time of the year and your membership will be valid during the next 365 days.

Your organization member subscription fee is based on the total yearly income from registration fees paid by runners for all trail-running races you organize during the year.
The table below will help you to calculate the annual ITRA subscription fee.

Calculation formula:  Annual fee = (Number of runners) X (bib price)
Note: Please include all races you organize in this calculation.

Annual Fee

Annual budget for inscription (minimum)

Annual budget for inscription (max)



20 000€


20 001€

30 000€


30 001

50 000€


50 001

75 000€


75 001

100 000€


100 001

150 000€


150 001

200 000€


200 001

300 000€


300 001

50 000€


500 001


Payment can be done from your organizer account or directly here (need to be logged in)

If you need an invoice, please email us clearly listing all the information you require to be listed on the invoice: contact@itra.run

We will reply to you email with your invoice as soon as possible.


A race organizer can register different type of races in ITRA's calendar.

We accept the following type of races :

  • Trail running races
  • Moutain Races
  • Vertical Kilometers
  • Stage races
  • Backyard Ultras
  • Relay Races
  • Virtual Races* 

    *No ITRA score / performance index are calulated for virtual races

How to add my races ?

You first need to create an event and then add the races inside this event. 

Specific races : Stage races, Relay & Backyard Ultra

  • Stage races 
    A multiple stages race is a race happening over multiple days with multiple stages.
    Each day of the race consists of a separate stage or leg, which is a specific section of the overall course. 
    Example here.

    To create a stage race, follow the How to create a race guidelines and select the number of stages of your event accordingly.

    Concerning the formatting of the result file, the total racing time for all the stages is required. 

  • Races with a relay

    In a trail running relay, a team of runners divides a longer trail race into shorter segments or legs, with each team member running one or more of these legs consecutively. 
    To be consistent with our ranking system, we only assess the personal performance of each relay.
    ITRA's do not rank the overall team performance, only the individual one.

    Example here : This race is offering 2 races : 100km & 100m - and the relay option.

    The 100km is divided into 2 relays
    The 100m is divided into 3 relays.
    Each relay has its own result file

    To create a Relay race, please follow the How to create a race guidelines and add the name relay n°.
    Each relay must be created separately, as a "classic race"
    Concerning the formatting of the result file, one result file per relay is required.
    The overall relay time / result file is NOT accepted by our system.

  • Backyard Ultra details

    A backyard ultra or last runner standing race consists in a loop to be achieved within 1h.
    While some runners will be able to complete 3 loops, other might finish 5 loops, 12 or 13 loops.
    Creating a ranking matching our tools with this type of race is not easy since the ranking is based on the number of loops finished.

    Therefore, to create a Backyard Ultra / multiple loop race, some rules must be followed :

    1) One race per ITRA point scale 

    To avoid too many races entries (ex: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15 loops...) only one race per ITRA point scale can be allowed.

    In other words, for a multiple loop challenge, a maximum of 7 races, awarding ITRA points from 0 to 6, can be registered by the organizer.  
    The organizer will have to provide 7 different results files and make sure that the runner appears only once in a result file.

  • Example :
  •   Race 1 = 0 ITRA points = 1 loop
  •   Race 2 = 1 ITRA points = 3 loops  
  •   Race 3 = 2 ITRA points = 6 loops   
  •   Race 4 = 3 ITRA points = 9 loops 
  •   Race 5 = 4 ITRA points = 12 loops 
  •   Race 6 = 5 ITRA points = 15 loops  
  •   Race 7 = 6 ITRA points = 18 loops   

    Based on the example above, if a runner achieves 7 loops, he must appear on the 6 loops ranking, with his timing after completing the 6th loop.
    His 7th loops should not be taken into account on the result file you will send us.
    Please use our  Itra points calculator (.xlsx) to simulate your race data and find out how many loops are need for your race to award an X number of ITRA points.

ITRA National League

The ITRA National League is a new and exciting initiative, open to ALL trail running enthusiasts, aimed at growing the sport at a national

By launching this initiative, ITRA’s aim is to:

- Promote the development of trail-running at the national level.
- Create a challenge accessible to every runner based on simple rules.
- Encourage runners to reduce their carbon footprint by running locally.
- Expand services for runners and organizers

To be ranked on a National League, runners needs to finish 3 National League races in a same country/territory between January 1st to 31st December.
More information about National League can be found here

Only two steps are mandatory to have your races included in the National Leagues:

  • Ask for a race evaluation (ITRA points) before 1st November 2023.
  • Upload your race result file on ITRA's website after your race (please add the results within 7 days after the event).


ITRA Points / Race evaluation

ITRA Points (from 0 to 6) are a way to estimate the endurance difficulty of a race.  (However, they do not consider the technicality of the terrain)

ITRA points are awarded to runners finishing an ITRA Member race.
To be awarded, the race organizer
(member) needs to upload a GPX file of the race from their organizer account.

ITRA Points are considered as a proof of a runner experience to achieve races of a certain difficulty.
Some race organizer require runners to show proof of experience by collecting iTRA points.

The organizer will require the runners to have obtained a defined number of ITRA points to be able to register to the race. 
This system is often put in place by organizer to avoid beginner taking part into races they will probably not be able to finish, especially for longer distances or challenging races.

Please use our  Itra points calculator (.xlsx) to simulate your race data and find out how many ITRA points your race will award.

For single race stage,
(not a multistage race), ITRA uses a validated method to calculate the level of difficulty of a race and this method is based on the notion of ‘Km-effort’.
The total “Km-effort” of a race are calculated by taking into account both the distance and the elevation gain as follows:

For standard races


1km = 1 Km-effort 


+100m vertical meters = 1 Km-effort

Based on the number of Km-effort, each race is then classified according to its level of difficulty with ITRA Points ranging from 0 to 6 as follows:


The number of Aid stations & Loops can have a direct impact over the calculation of km-effort and ITRA point.
If a race has a large number of aid stations in relation to the distance, it will be deemed to not require self-sufficiency and therefore, the number of effort points will be reduced.

Regarding Aid stations, the average interval between 2 aid stations is calculated as follows:

  • Distance = distance expressed in kilometers
  • Ascent gain/loss =a hundredth of the ascent expressed in meters
  • Number of aid stations =number of refreshment posts on the route (excluding start and finish line)

The average interval = Number of effort points / Number of aid stations

Average Interval

Number of aid station penalty points

Equal to or greater than 13

No aid station penalty points

11.0 – 12.99

Minus 10 points

9.0 – 10.99

Minus 15 points

7.0 – 8.99

Minus 20 points

5.0 – 6.99

Minus 25 points

Less than 5

Minus 30 points

Example:  40km / 1500m+ course with 6 aids stations:

AI = (40+ (1500/100)) / 6 = 9.16   Penalty points = - 15 effort points.

Effort points final = 55 - 15 = 40 effort points.

This race course would obtain 1 ITRA points.

Stage races / backyard ultra races are assessed using a slightly different method, taking into account the number of stages, the distance and the vertical gain of the longest stage.

The longest stage serves as the basis for calculating the number of effort points. Each additional stage is evaluated based on its characteristics, and an additional adjustment is added accordingly.

  • Backyard Ultra details

    A backyard ultra or last runner standing race consists in a loop to be achieved within 1h.
    While some runners will be able to complete 3 loops, other might finish 5 loops, 12 or 13 loops.
    Creating a ranking matching our tools with this type of race is not easy since the ranking is based on the number of loops finished.

    Therefore, to create a Backyard Ultra / multiple loop race, some rules must be followed :

    1) One race per ITRA point scale 

    To avoid too many races entries (ex: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15 loops...) only one race per ITRA point scale can be allowed.

    In other words, for a multiple loop challenge, a maximum of 7 races, awarding ITRA points from 0 to 6, can be registered by the organizer.  
    The organizer will have to provide 7 different results files and make sure that the runner appears only once in a result file.

  • Example :
  •   Race 1 = 0 ITRA points = 1 loop
  •   Race 2 = 1 ITRA points = 3 loops  
  •   Race 3 = 2 ITRA points = 6 loops   
  •   Race 4 = 3 ITRA points = 9 loops 
  •   Race 5 = 4 ITRA points = 12 loops 
  •   Race 6 = 5 ITRA points = 15 loops  
  •   Race 7 = 6 ITRA points = 18 loops   

    Based on the example above, if a runner achieves 7 loops, he must appear on the 6 loops ranking, with his timing after completing the 6th loop.
    His 7th loops should not be taken into account on the result file you will send us.
    Please use our  Itra points calculator (.xlsx) to simulate your race data and find out how many loops are need for your race to award an X number of ITRA points.


To award ITRA points, you must ask for a "Race evaluation".
This service is reserved to ITRA member with an up to date membership.

To ask for the Race evaluation :

  1. Create an event & races from your ITRA account
  2. Upload the corresponding GPX file 

Note: Once the request made, it takes up to 7 days to receive the email of confirmation.


Create race

Specific races : Stage races, Relay & Backyard Ultra

  • Stage races 
    A multiple stages race is a race happening over multiple days with multiple stages.
    Each day of the race consists of a separate stage or leg, which is a specific section of the overall course. 
    Example here.

    To create a stage race, follow the How to create a race guidelines and select the number of stages of your event accordingly.

    Concerning the formatting of the result file, the total racing time for all the stages is required. 
  • Races with a relay

    In a trail running relay, a team of runners divides a longer trail race into shorter segments or legs, with each team member running one or more of these legs consecutively. 
    To be consistent with our ranking system, we only assess the personal performance of each relay.
    ITRA's do not rank the overall team performance, only the individual one.

    Example here : This race is offering 2 races : 100km & 100m - and the relay option.

    The 100km is divided into 2 relays
    The 100m is divided into 3 relays.

    To create a Relay race, please follow the How to create a race guidelines and add the name relay n°.
    Each relay must be created separately, as a "classic race"
    Concerning the formatting of the result file, one result file per relay is required.
    The overall relay time / result file is NOT accepted by our system.

Ask evaluation

If there are ANY CHANGES in the actual racecourse from the evaluated course, the organizer must update their GPX file and ask for a new race evaluation.

If the race is canceled, please cancel the race from your organizer space or kindly inform us by email: contact@itra.run

To publish the result file of a race, you must supply us with an excel file properly formatted, directly to your ITRA organizer account. 

More information on the result file (data and formatting) please find in the necessary guidelines below:

Full video - how to prepare and format the race results file (video)


Race result & result files guidelines

To publish the result file of a race, you must supply us with an excel file properly formatted, directly to your ITRA organizer account. 

More information on the result file (data and formatting) please find in the necessary guidelines below:

Full video - how to prepare and format the race results file (video)

How to upload race results on the ITRA website? (video)

Once the file(s) are received (uploaded from your organizer account), the process of verifying and publishing the runners' results will only take a few days!

Any incomplete file may be refused.

To ensure your results are complete and correct we have in place several filters that check your results file before it is accepted into the ITRA results database.

If there is a problem, a message in red letters will tell you precisely which row (line) of your excel sheet contains the error.

You will need to make ALL the necessary changes before the file is accepted by our system.

1) If the mistake is in relation to the personal information of a small number of runners (First name / Last name / Birthdate / Nationality):

  • You can send us an email clearly explaining the changes (contact@itra.run) and we will proceed with the required update.

2) The mistake is in relation to the ranking or finish time of one or more runners:

Please re-submit the full and corrected result file through your organizer account.

NB: To make changes to the current year’s results, you are able to upload a new result file at any time using your organizer space. To make changes to a previous year’s results file please contact us by email.


Organizer guidelines

To publish the result file of a race, you must supply us with an excel file properly formatted, directly to your ITRA organizer account. 

More information on the result file (data and formatting) please find in the necessary guidelines below:

Full video - how to prepare and format the race results file (video)

How to upload race res

If you don't have an account click on : "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" an then click on "I am on organizer". Fill in all the required information and then click on "Become a membre" and follow all the instructions to calculate your membership fee. Once the total registration fees know you can click on "Pay by card" in front of the amount concerned. You can also pay by bank transfer (validation in 10 days for the transfer).

If you have already created an account, please log in to your organizer account and click on the "Organizer" page and then click on: "Become a member".

Images Here

Once your event has been created, click on Access/ Edit event button and then click on Add a new race.

Images Here

Click on the "Organizer Home" page and then click on "Manage my events" and then click on "Create a new event".

When your event is created, you can create races attached to this event. Once the races are created, they will appear in the ITRA calendar.

Images Here

To have your race course evaluated:

  • Subscribe to the "Organizer membership": this is a yearly membership starting from 100€. This fee is based on the total of your race(s) registration budget (all races).

Once your membership has been validated, you can request as many course evaluations as you wish during the validity period of your membership.

Once you have selected your subscription method, you can complete in your race details in 3 steps :

  1. Create an event from your ITRA account
  2. Add race(s) to this event
  3. Link the course to the race (GPX format) and click on "Ask for evaluation"
Images Here

Payment by credit card is directly updated on your account. If the membership does not appear in your profile after making a credit card payment, please contact us by email: contact@itra.run.

Payment by bank transfer may take a few days to validate. We generally enter bank transfers on Mondays.

Images Here

ITRA points are awarded based on the evaluation, therefore the actual race course must be exactly the same as the evaluated race course.

In the case of a mistake on the GPX file, or a last-minute change of course, it is up to the organizer to make sure that the new course contains the same number of effort points as the original course.

If incorrect data or mistakes are found in the information supplied for the initial evaluation, ITRA reserves the right to perform a new evaluation and therefore potentially change the number of ITRA points awarded.

If you are uncertain about this please contact us.

Images Here