Born in July 2013, the ITRA (International Trail Running Association) aims to give a voice to parties involved in trail running in order to promote its strong values, its diversity, the safety of races and the health of runners, as well as to further the development of trail running and ensure a constructive dialogue between the national and international bodies with an interest in the sport.

Values and ethics
ITRA values are based on the fundamental values of trail running. These values, shared by ITRA and all those involved in trail running, where authenticity and fair play are central, are all benchmarks that express our vision of trail running and guide our actions on a daily basis.

The 1st Assises Internationales du Trail laid the foundation of a demanding and respectful sports discipline.
This meeting led to the drafting of the Trail Running Ethics Charter, a core set of principles with strong human values:

Authenticity is the first value of trail running. The sport has as a core tenet a sense of harmony between man and nature. It promotes sports relationships based on simplicity, conviviality, sharing and a fundamental respect for differences. The trail running community values authenticity as highly as physical performance.


In trail running, humility in the face of nature is another core tenet. Together, Listening and learning provide a deeper, fuller understanding of the principles that govern the natural world and our fundamental understanding of a demanding sport in a wild, rugged setting.  Humility rests on an understanding of our personal limits, and not jeopardizing our physical or mental abilities.

Fair play

Fair play refers to the acceptance of rules and the spirit behind the rules, as well. It suggests that each participant should embody the values of trail running: namely, mutual aid towards the other runners, and the respect of all the players involved in the races.


Equality is the search for balance, based on a sense of impartiality and equal opportunities for all runners. All athletes have the same rights and the same duties: it is the responsibility of the organizers to guarantee this principle of fairness and to offer the best possible race conditions to all participants.

The principle of respect applies to oneself, to others, and to the environment. Respecting others means adopting a sense of awareness that respects other trail runners, the local population, its culture, customs and traditions.
To respect oneself is to take care of one's health, to refuse all doping products and to be attentive to the dangers of excessive self-medication. Respecting the environment means preserving the fragile natural environment in which we run, and minimizing our environmental impact.
In the natural environment, community is a necessity for survival. It involves helping one another to make progress together.
Thus, each participant in a trail race is required to come to the aid of anyone in danger or experiencing difficulty. Beyond this aspect of community, many athletes are committed to environmental, social or other worthy goals, and run to promote these objectives. In doing so, they express their responsibility towards humanity and the environment in which they run. 

Consult the Trail running Ethics Charter.