Event Information

 Hsinchu, Chinese Taipei
21 April 2024

Castle Trail 2024

"古堡越野" 是一場專為喜歡挑戰自己極限的越野跑愛好者設計的精彩活動。活動路線將造訪泰雅族抗日古戰場-李棟山古堡,這個古戰場充滿著歷史情感。參加者將沿著日據時期的隘勇線,穿越經典的駐在所和砲台遺跡,這些遺跡坐落在茂密的森林中,充滿歷史意義。

The off-road running event in Taian, Hsinchu, takes participants through the historic Taiya tribal anti-Japanese battlefield, known as Li Dongshan Castle. Runners will follow the path of the Japanese-occupied Era's "Ei-Yong Line," passing by historical garrisons and artillery remnants. Along this scenic route, you'll encounter century-old fortifica

Biya Trail

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2024/04/21
 Start Time: 07:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 15.80
 Elevation Gain: +1300
 Elevation Loss: -1300
 Time Limit: 6:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 1
 Number of Participants: 60