Event Information

 Bitola, North Macedonia (Republic of)
13 August 2023

Pelister Ultra-Trail 2023

Pelister Ultra-Trail® is an international event organized by the Association for Promotion of Sports, Sports Tourism and Healthy Lifestyle BOF (Bitola Outdoor Festival) Bitola which is held in the oldest National Park in N.Macedonia, Pelister National Park. The fourth edition of Pelister Ultra-Trail event takes place on AUGUST 11-13, 2023.

Caparska Trail 10K

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/08/13
 Start Time: 10:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 10.10
 Elevation Gain: +420
 Elevation Loss: -420
 Time Limit: 2:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 0
 Number of Participants: 350

About the Race

Со стартна точка од пред Инфо центарот на Националниот парк, патеката продолжува се до Цапарска пресека од каде низ густата Моликова шума се спушта се до местото Голема Ливада. Патеката потоа ве води до детското одморалиште каде потоа завршувате повторно пред Инфо ценарот. Патека наменета за рекреативци и почетници во планинското трчање.

With starting point from Info Centar of National Park, the trail continues to place Caparska where it starts to descend to Golema Livada. The trail after that continues to the heart of the National Park Pelister. In this deep Molika pine forest, from Gorna Livada checkpoint and through a place called Palisnopje, the last part of the trail will take you to the finish line at the Info Centar of the National Park.