Event Information

 Canet d'Adri, Spain
07 February 2016

Trail Rocacorba 2016


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2016/02/07
 Start Time: 08:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 19.70
 Elevation Gain: +780
 Elevation Loss: -780
 Time Limit: 5:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 500

About the Race

Tothom reconeix la silueta de Rocacorba amb el santuari omnipresent damunt la roca. Per arribar-hi hauràs de perdre’t entre boscos frondosos. Camis i corriols on la vegetació n’és la protagonista. No et creuràs que ets a escassos quilòmetres de la ciutat de Girona. Endinsa’t a la jungla del Trail Rocacorba. Vola entre muntanyes. Lluita en cada passa. Sent l’alè en cada sospir. Atreveix-te a viure una experiència inoblidable. Trail Running en estat pur.

Everyone recognizes the silhouette of Rocacorba with the ubiquitous sanctuary over the rock. To get there you must get lost in lush forests. Paths and trails where vegetation is the protagonist. You will not believe that you are a few kilometers from the Girona city. Welcome the jungle of the Trail Rocacorba. Fly between mountains. Fight at every step. Feel your breath with each sigh. Dare to live an unforgettable experience. Trail Running in its purest form.