Races of the week - March 18-20

Each week, lTRA proposes to discover trail running races around the world. This week, we are going to travel from Paris in France, Italy, Mexico, but also Spain and Peru !

Asia Eco Trail / Peru

Asia Eco Trail is the first race of three, in the Xtrem Trail challenge. Runners will run in three different regions of Peru. In each, they will discover a different environment, from jungle to coast.


The race will start at 100 Km of the Capital of Perú, Lima. The main place of the race will be "Lomas de Asia », a special coastal environment. Runners will have the choice between three distances : 10, 21 and 65km.

The level of the race will be high, with the peruvian elite trail runners at the start line : Remigio Huaman, Emerson Trujillo y Milder Uriarte.

The next races of the Xtrem Trail Challenge will be held in Huaraz for the Ultra Trail Cordillera Blanca and in Tarapoto in the middle on the jungle for the Amazon Race Forest !

Asia Eco Trail

Ultra Maraton de las Altas Montanas / Mexico

The Ultra Maraton de las Altas Montañas, is held in the beautiful north face of the Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltepetl) volcano in México, one of a kind combining one of the highest pine forest in the world with the spectacular views of the Jamapa glacier and Rio Jamapa.

60 kilometers reaching 4250m of altitude only for the brave runners !

Ultra Marathon de las Altas Montanas

Eco Trail de Paris / France

Trail in the capital ! Since 2008, the Eco Trail de Paris offers to runners a trail running race near Paris.

With less than 10% of road, the Eco Trail de Paris is a real trail running race. Runners will discover a lot of wood, forest and parks around Paris (the Domaine national de Saint Cloud, the forest of Versailles, Meudon, Saint Germain, the Champ de Mars…). And of course, runners will always remember the incredible finish of the race : the Eiffel Tower, the France most famous monument…

Since the first edition, the organizers have always wanted to protect the environment. For example, tickets for public transport are offered to runners to come to the start line. Each year, 7500 euros are donated to the National Office of forests to rehabilitate a place.

During the event, runners will have the choice between many races. The Vertical of the Eiffel Tower, an incredible ascent of the famous monument, will be the first race to begin. Runners will be able to run the 80 Km, the 50 Km or also the 30 Km. The trail des Hauts-de-Seine, a race of 18 km will be a shorter race for runners who don’t want to registrar on the 30 Km and more.

Eco Trail de Paris

Ultrabericus trail / Italie

If Vicenza is a renowned city for artistic works, also known under the name of « city of Palladio », because the famous architect did a lot of achievements in the city, for sure, Vicenza will be also known for the Ultrabericus trail !

Between the start and finish at the same place in Vicenza, « Piazza dei Seignori », runners will have to run 66 Km and 2500 D+ (solo or by team).

More than a trail event, runners will be totally immersed in the local environment of the « Berici ».

With more than 1000 runners for the last edition, no doubt than they will be again many to take part to the race this year.

(copyright : Circolo Fotografico Leoniceno)


Carrera Alto Sil / Spain

More than 500 runners will be at the start line of the eight edition of the Alto Sil, in the north of Spain. They will have to run 32 Km and 2000 D+ to reach the finish. 

The race level will be high, with the participation of Aritz Igea, Zach Miller, the last winner of CCC, and Ionut Zinca, the 2013 winner of Alto Sil.

Top women runners Oihana Cortazar, Azara Garcia, Paula Cabrerizo and Denisa Gragomira will also participate to the race. 

Paramo del Sil will be the center of the event with the Carrera Alto Sil, but on Saturday, the KV to Bobia and the kids’race will offer a lot of various races to everyone.

Carrera Alto Sil

Other races registered on the international calendar this week


Organizers, to promote your race on « ITRA - Trails of the week », feel free to share with us your details (race profil, pictures, resume…): contact@itra.run
