ITRA Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the gathering and processing of data as implemented by the International Trail Running Association in carrying out the various services provided by the association.

I.       Data processing at ITRA

The International Trail Running Association (ITRA, an association under Swiss law, domiciled at World Trade Center Av. De Gratta-Paille 2 CH -1018 Lausanne) is responsible for the gathering, processing and control of data.

The aim of ITRA is to contribute to the development of trail running by giving a voice to all those involved in the sport, by promoting the underlying values and diversity of trail running and by contributing to improvements in the quality and safety of races and in runners' health.

ITRA provides its individual and organizer members and users and visitors to the website with tools for managing the results of trail races worldwide and related statistics.  ITRA further offers a set of services for the further development trail running.  Management of the race results and the services offered involves data processing.

The data collected can be accessed by the members of the ITRA Executive Office and Executive Committee, the governing and policy-making bodies of the association.  The data can also be accessed by any person approved by the ITRA Steering Committee - in particular ITRA employees and service providers.  Those service providers who play an essential part in implementing services offered by ITRA, on grounds of their special technical skills, may be given access to certain data; ITRA ensures that such organizations comply with the regulations currently in force.

ITRA may also need to share some of the data with its institutional partners (amongst others and for example World Athletics and national athletics/trail running bodies).

ITRA is the owner of the website:

The abovementioned data is processed in accordance with the new European data protection rules (RGPD) which came into effect on 25 May 2018.

Useful definitions to facilitate interpretation of the present Privacy Policy:

  • Runner / trail runner:  any person participating in a competitive trail running event as defined by the World Athletics (see the World Athletics Competition Rules, Article 251) and on the ITRA website (
  • Member of ITRA / ITRA Subscriber:  any runner or organizer who has set up an account on the website and whose annual subscription is fully paid up.  Members benefit from specific services to which non-member users of the website do not have access.
  • User:  any runner or organizer who has set up an account on the website but does not have a fully paid-up subscription.
  • Visitor:  a visitor to the website who does not have an account.
  • ITRA account:  any account set up on the website and allowing access to certain services and statistical information relating to race results.  A free membership account is a user account.  A subscription account is a member account.
  • Ranking:   race results provided by an organizer via his ITRA account and including the following information for each runner:  full name, date of birth, nationality, gender.
  • DPO:  Data Protection Officer, responsible for processing ITRA data:

II.      The data collected:  description and purpose

A.         Results and standings

Rankings from races that are organized by member and users who wish the rankings to be published are displayed on the website.  ITRA can also process and post published rankings from other races organized by non-members.  In this case, the following personal data is gathered by ITRA:  name, family name, date of birth, gender, nationality, city, club, classification, time.  This data is provided by the organizers when uploading results (in Excel format) to their dedicated space on the website.

This data collection is justified by the need for each runner to be uniquely identifiable in order for published rankings to be reliable and runners' records to be established in the fairest way possible.

The aforementioned data is processed in order:

  • to make the rankings from competitive trail running events public and accessible to all;
  • to create a record for each runner (list of races, times, rankings, ...);
  • to provide a set of statistics relating to the results;
  • to allow access to a questionnaire for evaluating the quality of the organization of races;
  • to determine each runner's Performance Index score (see the website for information relating to the Performance Index) in order to publish a world ranking of trail runners;
  • to identify high-level ("élite") athletes on the basis of this Performance Index;
  • to allocate ITRA points to runners, allowing them to sign up for races with registration requirements (see the website). 

The data gathered is provided by the respective organizers and is based on information from their timekeepers and / or registration managers for the event in question.  The organizer must declare that each runner (or of the person having parental authority in the case of minors) has consented to the uploading of this personal data to the ITRA website.  

            B.         ITRA accounts

Any person or race organizer can set up an account on the website in order to make use of the specified services (fully updated runner records, results management, statistics, addition of photos, …).

When setting up an individual account, the following information must be provided:  name, gender, nationality, date of birth, phone number, city and country of residence, email address, preferred language of communication.

All runners may add a photo to their account. This will be published on the ITRA website ( on their runner's results page. This can also be displayed in the "Featured Runner" section on the homepage of the ITRA website. The photo will not be used in any other way and the photo will not be transmitted to any other person or organization without the express permission of the runner.

When setting up an organizer account, the following information must be provided:  name, website, email address, phone number, address, preferred language of communication, full name, email and the phone number of an official of the organization.

Any person setting up an account on the site must undertake to ensure that all information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Generally speaking, the data provided is processed to support the services offered by ITRA, for example creating runner records and checking results...  The data provided when an account is set up allows the account to be linked to a results file whilst ensuring that the information is consistent (for example, ensuring that one runner cannot claim the results of another).  Name, first name, gender, nationality and date of birth are therefore all information by means of which each runner can be identified.  The name of a city or of a club may also be useful for checking the information supplied.

None of this data is provided to a third-party organization except in connection with the services provided by ITRA.

Any transmission of the data for a purpose other than that described in the present Privacy Policy will be the subject of a specific request for consent.

                        1.         Data processing using email addresses

The email address provided when setting up an account is used for the following purposes:

Mailing technical emails:  these are emails pertaining to the contractual use of our services (requests for race evaluation or the management and maintenance of the organizer and individual spaces).  These emails are mandatory, whether the user is a member of ITRA or not.  Unless permission for such communications is granted, ITRA is unable to fulfil its mission and the proposed services cannot be provided.  Such emails remain mandatory for all accounts until such time as the account is closed.

Emails concerning ITRA organizational matters (the day-to-day running of the association, organizing elections, arranging the General Assembly, pricing policy):  these emails are mandatory for all paid-up members in the light of ITRA's commitment to keep its members informed.

ITRA communications (newsletters):  these are ITRA newsletters sent to every user with an account. The newsletters concern ITRA news, services offered, organizational information... They are not mandatory and each ITRA member can change his preferences with regard to receiving newsletters when the account is set up or whenever the runner is logged in to his space.

Partner communications:  these are newsletters sent by ITRA on behalf of its partners.  Anyone can elect not to receive these emails, either when an account is set up or subsequently.

Emails from National Representatives: ITRA National Representatives are members elected to represent ITRA in their respective countries. Their tools for communication include a means for sending emails to the entire community they represent in their country. In no case do they have access to ITRA members' personal information.  These emails are sent via a general forwarding address and redirected to individual addresses.  Anyone can choose not to receive these emails, either when an account is set up or subsequently. 

                        2.         Data processing for checking identity

Any runner can upload documentary proof of identity either when setting up an account or subsequently. This allows us to be certain of the identity of the runner, who can then make use of new services for managing incorrect results (requesting the addition or removal of results).

The proof of identity is retained only for the time required to validate the identity of the runner (this can take several days, depending on the number of applications to be processed). It is immediately deleted once the identity has been validated.

                        3.                   Member accounts

Any runner or organizer can make use of additional services by becoming a member of ITRA. Taking out membership does not involve any further processing of personal data. Only credit card and PayPal payments and bank transfers are processed.

           C.        Trail World Championships

On the occasion of the World Trail Championships, ITRA needs to obtain the lists of participants ("start lists") from the organizer or the delegations; these lists include the family name, first name, gender, nationality, date of birth, email and phone number of each competitor.

This data is gathered and processed for the following purposes:

  • to establish the official list of starters for publication on the website and social networks, and via other ITRA communication modalities;
  • to transmit the list of starters to partners and other bodies involved in the organization of the World Championships (potentially for publication);
  • for publication of the official race results on the ITRA website and transmission to partners and other bodies involved in the organization of the World Trail Championships;
  • Each organizer declares that the runners have consented to the transmission of this information.

            D.         Elections within ITRA

When elections for ITRA bodies (Steering Committee, Bureau, National Representatives, and any other body created in the future) and for representative members are organized, ITRA has to call for candidates.

A standard candidate application form is provided by ITRA.  Only the name, first name, country of residence, date of birth and occupation are requested on the application form.  Candidates may enter any other personal information that they deem necessary but should be aware that this information will appear on the website for the duration of the election campaign.

The candidate's data processed and published on the website, or via any other communication medium relevant to the conduct of an election, only for a period of time that is reasonable and consistent with the period of the election campaign set forth in the ITRA statutes.  All applications will be removed from the ITRA website, and from any other communication media used, within a maximum period of 15 days after communication of the results. 

            E.         Subscription to the ITRA newsletter

Visitors to the website can subscribe to ITRA newsletters without setting up an account.  Subscribing to the ITRA newsletter is deemed to constitute acceptance of the present Privacy Policy.

The data gathered comprises:  name and email address.  Processing of this data is solely for the purpose of managing the distribution of newsletters.  In no case is the data gathered used for any purpose other than that herein described.

It is possible to unsubscribe from the ITRA newsletter at any time via the Unsubscribe link placed at the end of every newsletter. 

            F.          Payment Information

When you make a payment on ITRA, you may provide payment information such as your payment card or other payment details. We use Payment Card Industry (Stripe) compliant third-party payment services and we do not store your credit card information.

            G.        Transmission of data to third parties and other processing

ITRA never transfers members' or users' data to third parties for any reason other than those stated in the present Privacy Policy.  Whenever possible, ITRA undertakes to seek the explicit consent of all concerned in response to a clear explanation of the reason for the processing. 

            H.        Cookies

The website uses cookies.  These files stored on your computer are used to assist you in accessing the services we offer.  The cookies on this site do not contain information by which you could be personally identified and are destined solely for the use of the International Trail Running Association.  You should be aware that you can oppose the acceptance of these "cookies" by configuring your computer as shown on the CNIL website ( 

The following types of cookies are used:

  1. technical cookies: needed in order to access the website; these are the cookies that facilitate your use of the website, allowing you to take advantage of all the features (for example, to log in to a runner account in order to access a registration file); 
  2. analytics cookies:  these are the cookies that allow us to ascertain how our websites are used and to assess the frequency of traffic; their use is entirely anonymised. 

The website does not store any other cookies; in particular, neither cookies for targeted advertising purposes nor cookies from third parties are stored.


III.     Data retention and requests for deletion

Period of retention

            A.        Race results and rankings

Race results and rankings submitted by organizers are retained for an indefinite period in order that a record and statistics can be kept for each runner.

Furthermore, (where the reasons are legitimate) anyone can request that their name no longer appear in the rankings of one or more races; in this event, an email should be sent to or a written request can be sent by post to the following address:

International Trail Running Association, World Trade Center Av. De Gratta-Paille 2 CH -1018 Lausanne.

However, since each organizer has to file results, it is possible that the name of a runner may be duplicated in certain ranking lists.  It is the responsibility of each runner to request the organizer of a race, in advance and in accordance with the rules of the race, not to include that runner in the rankings.  In some cases, a further request will have to be made to ITRA by email or by post.

ITRA reserves the right to request a proof of identity in order to authenticate the request; this will be used only for the time it takes to process the request.  Once the request has been processed, the proof of identity will be deleted.

            B.         Accounts

ITRA accounts are kept for a period of five years as of the most recent log-in.  Each log-in to the account is deemed to constitute access to our services.

If an account is not logged into for a period exceeding five years, the account will be automatically deleted unless otherwise requested.  All account data will be deleted.  The results and rankings submitted by the organizers will not be deleted (unless explicitly requested by the runner).

For paid accounts (ITRA members), this five-year period starts on the first day after the expiry of the membership fee.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your data.

Pursuant to the amended law "Information Technology and Civil Liberties" (6 January 1978) and the European Regulation 2016/679 / EU of 27 April 2016, you are entitled:

  • to exercise your right of access in order to verify the nature of personal data pertaining to you;
  • to request updating of your data, if this is inaccurate;
  • to request the portability or deletion of your data;
  • to request that processing of your data be restricted;
  • to oppose the processing of your data (where the reasons are legitimate). 

These rights can be exercised directly from a user's ITRA account.  They can also be exercised:

  • by email:
  • by mail:       DPO, ITRA, World Trade Center Av. De Gratta-Paille 2 CH -1018 Lausanne

ITRA will respond as quickly as possible to your request and within one month at the latest.  In the event of any reasonable doubt, we reserve the right to ask you for proof of identity.

You should note that some data processing is necessary in order to execute the contract between ITRA and a user or member.  Opposition to certain of these processing operations will result in restriction or termination of this contract.

IV.     Data security

ITRA makes every effort to optimise the security of data that may be processed, in order to protect the data from:

  • attempted piracy;
  • accidental loss or destruction:
  • misuse or abuse.

This is achieved by means of security systems (encryption, FTP lock, firewall, log analysis, ...), and by regular backups of the database and internal data processing procedures.

V.      Amendment of the Privacy Policy

The International Trail Running Association reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy in accordance with any regulatory or legislative changes and in order to ensure that you are always optimally informed with regard to the processing of your data.  Any changes will be recorded on the Privacy Policy page of the website.

VI.     Contact

You can contact the Data Protection Officer as follows:

  • Email address:
  • Telephone number:  +41 (0) 2 15 19 02 08
  • Postal address: World Trade Center Av. De Gratta-Paille 2 CH -1018 Lausanne
