Freezing of the Performance Index

Guided by ITRA’s values of Fair Play, Equity, Respect others, and one’s self, in response to the global COVID-19 crisis the ITRA Leadership Team has decided to put a temporary freeze on the calculation of the Performance Index from the 1st of March 2020 until 1st of January 2021.

The ITRA Performance Index (PI) is calculated over 36months with recent results being worth more than older ones (for more information on the ITRA PI click here). With the cancellation of a vast majority of races during this period, runners are unable to race to maintain or improve their PI. If we were not to place this freeze on the PI, we will see a decrease of PI across all athletes and at all levels.

By placing a freeze on the PI over this period of uncertainty we hope to achieve the following:

  • No disadvantage to those athletes who are unable to race or train due to circumstances beyond their control.
  • No advantage to athletes who are in unaffected areas.
  • No advantage or pressure for runners to begin training and racing again too soon when the short-term global health environment is unknown.

On Tuesday the 12th of May, your ITRA performance index will revert back to its value on the 1st of March 2020.

Your ITRA PI will remain at this value until the reopening of the index in January 2021.

ITRA races completed during the freeze period:

  • will have scores calculated but these will NOT be taken into consideration of the overall PI.
  • will be included when the PI is recalculated at the opening in 2021.

Temporary PI Freezing FAQ:

For a full description of the ITRA the performance index please visit our FAQ page.

If I finish a race between March 1st and December 31st, 2020, is a score going to be calculated for this race?

Yes, it will! All races will be scored, so you will still be able to compare your race scores to previous years and other races.

However, it will not be taken into account for your General and Category PI before the 1st of January 2021.


If I finish a race between March 1st and December 31st, is my Performance index going to be updated?

No, your Performance index will not change until December 31, 2020. 

However, on the 1st of January 2021, all the races for which you received a score in 2020 will be integrated into your PI.

If you completed a race between March 1st and May 11th, your PI will have changed already. In fairness to all the runners who had their races canceled, the PI will be reverted back to its March 1st, 2020 value.


What will be the impact if I do not race in 2020?

The PI uses results from the previous 36 months, therefore when the PI reopens in January 2021, your PI will be calculated using your older scores from 2018 & 2019.


Will my PI decrease on January 1st, 2021?

If you did not complete any ITRA races between March and December 2020 then your PI will decrease on January 1st, 2021. This is normal, as your PI naturally decreases by a small amount over time as more weighting is given to new results and less weighting to older results.

If you did race during this period, but the results were not high enough to impact your PI, then you will also see a decrease in your PI in January 2021.
