[April fool] ITRA reveals its formula to evaluate trail-running courses!

ITRA has developed several tools to evaluate the difficulty of the races and to certify the runners' experience. Loïc, in charge of the course evaluations answers our questions. 
"Why does ITRA evaluate trail-running courses?
Knowing precisely the difficulty of a trail-running race, allows runners to check if they can participate in it, according to their physical abilities.

How can my race be evaluated?
ITRA evaluates and certify the courses of the race organizers. Create your organizer account and follow the steps indicated on the site: Link FAQ It is easy!

How do you evaluate the courses?
The distance and the elevation gain are analyzed using a simple formula to calculate the ratio between km to run and effort to provide during the race.

Here is the formula used:

formule evaluation trail


We apply this formula on all GPX courses filed sent by the organizers. With the result we get km-effort, the race is then classified in one of the 7 categories of trail, from XXS to XXL races. Then, the races get from 0 to 6 ITRA points according to her level of difficulty. "

For more information see the page "Race evaluation"