Event Information

 Modra / Piesok / Zochová chata, Slovakia
05 September 2020

Rýchlik Zoška Bratislava 2020

Rýchlik Zoška – Bratislava je ultramaratón, štafetový beh a dialkový pochod v Malých Karpatoch. Organizátorom podujatia je obcianske združenie Liga lanovka. Rýchlik Zoška – Bratislava vznikol v roku 2013 s cielom spojit bežeckú a turistickú komunitu, ako aj milovníkov krás tohoto západoslovenského pohoria. Výnimocnost podujatia spocíva nielen v je

Rýchlik Zoška - Bratislava is an ultramarathon, relay race and long-distance march in the Little Carpathians. The event is organized by the civic association Liga lanovka. Rýchlik Zoška - Bratislava was established in 2013 with the aim of uniting the running and tourist community, as well as lovers of the beauties of this West Slovak mountain rang


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2020/09/05
 Start Time: 09:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 50.20
 Elevation Gain: +1500
 Elevation Loss: -1770
 Time Limit: 9:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 280

About the Race

Rýchlik Zoška – Bratislava vznikol v roku 2013 s cielom spojit bežeckú a turistickú komunitu, ako aj milovníkov krás tohoto západoslovenského pohoria. Výnimocnost podujatia spocíva nielen v jeho rôznorodosti a priatelskej atmosfére, ale najmä v tom, že sa snaží poskytnút udržatelnú komunitnú alternatívu k rastúcemu poctu komercných športových podujatí v okolí Bratislavy. Zároven ide aj o protipól k rastúcej nárocnosti krosových behov a horských ultramaratónov, kedže profil trate a jej dlžka sú ideálne tak pre skúsených borcov (ako tréning na tažšie a dlhšie behy), ako aj pre zaciatocníkov. Aj my sme bežci a turisti, vnímame v komunite záujem o spolocný pohyb v prírode a spolocné tréningy. Budeme velmi radi, ak si s nami prídete zabehat ci prejst trasu Rýchlika v prvú septembrovú sobotu a prinesiete si so sebou úsmev a dobrú náladu.

Rýchlik Zoška - Bratislava was established in 2013 with the aim of connecting a running and tourist community, as well as lovers of the beauties of this West Slovak mountain range. The uniqueness of the event lies not only in its diversity and friendly atmosphere, but especially in the fact that it seeks to provide a sustainable community alternative to the growing number of commercial sporting events in the vicinity of Bratislava. At the same time, it is a counterpoint to the growing difficulty of cross-country runs and mountain ultramarathons, as the profile of the track and its length are ideal for both experienced fighters (such as training for heavier and longer runs) as well as for beginners. We are also runners and tourists, we perceive in the community an interest in moving together in nature and joint training. We will be very happy if you come with us to run or cross the Rýchlika route on the first Saturday in September and bring a smile and a good mood.
