Event Information

 Miranda do Corvo, Portugal
30 January 2016

Trilhos dos Abutres® 2016

T A 25

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2016/01/30
 Start Time: 00:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 25.00
 Elevation Gain: +1200
 Elevation Loss: -1200
 Time Limit: 0:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 0
 Number of Participants: 0

About the Race

TRILHOS DOS ABUTRES® é uma prova em regime de semi-auto suficiência, realiza-se no dia 28 de Janeiro de 2024, tem início às 8h00, percorre os caminhos e trilhos da Serra da Lousã – Freguesias de Miranda do Corvo e Freguesia de Vila Nova, na distância aproximada de 32 km e 1.720 metros de desnível acumulado positivo, com início e fim no Mercado Municipal em Miranda do Corvo.

TRILHOS DOS ABUTRES® is a semi-self-sufficiency race, held on January 28, 2024, starts at 8h00, runs the paths and trails of Serra da Lousã - Parishes of Miranda do Corvo and Parish of Vila Nova, at a distance of approximately 32 km and 1,720 meters of positive cumulative difference, starting and ending at the Municipal Market in Miranda do Corvo.
