Event Information

 Taipei, Chinese Taipei
16 April 2023

Wuzhi Mountain Trail 2023

五指山越野-春天氣候溫度鳥語花香最適合上山越野的季節,進入山林, 接近自然, 走向陽光, 揮灑汗水, 接受大自然的洗禮, 挑戰位於內湖五指山系的七座山: 劍潭山, 雞南山, 文間山, 大崙尾山, 金面山. 小金面山, 仙座台山. 本賽道已通過ITRA & UTMB 國際越野協會認證。 劍潭山名列小百岳之一, 海拔209公尺,屬台北五指山系的北側小山丘,因位在圓山飯店後方面臨劍潭,故以劍潭山為名。 雞南山,海拔170公尺 ,位於大直自強隧道的西側,西與劍潭山,東與文間山連成一系 形成一個盆地, 《台灣堡圖》標示為「番社」聚落。大直曾是平埔族凱達格蘭人的聚落。 文間山,海拔184公尺,為五指山西伸支稜,位於大直與雙溪之間,山頂為平坦休息區但無展望。文間山西北有故宮博物院,東南山麓有劍潭古寺,西則

Wuzhi Mountains Trail ( WMT ), the spring climate temperature is the most suitable for uphill cross-season, into the mountains embracing mother nature near Taipei city. Runners challenge Mt. Jiantan, Mt. Keenan, Mt. WenJian, Darenwei Mountain, Golden Mountain, and small Golden Mountain, a total of six mountains Wuzhi system, climbing over 1000 mete


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/04/16
 Start Time: 12:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 19.70
 Elevation Gain: +1180
 Elevation Loss: -1180
 Time Limit: 4:30:25
 Number of Aid Stations: 1
 Number of Participants: 200
Championship: 1
Challenge: 6

About the Race

瘋啤酒10 YEARS ANNIVERSARY周年慶 YAHOO票選全台七大不可錯過的特色賽事 五指山越野-春天氣候溫度鳥語花香最適合上山越野的季節,進入山林, 接近自然, 走向陽光, 揮灑汗水, 接受大自然的洗禮, 挑戰位於內湖五指山系的七座山: 劍潭山, 雞南山, 文間山, 大崙尾山, 金面山. 小金面山, 仙座台山. 本賽道已通過ITRA & UTMB 國際越野協會認證。挑戰連七峰: 1.劍潭山 2. 雞南山 3.文間山 4.大崙尾山 5.小金面山 6. 金面山, 7. 仙座台山,共七座山系, 總爬升1000公尺以上,體驗森林的美景,探索山林遺忘秘境溪谷, 挑戰自我極限。

10th YRS ANNIVERSARY *** Wuzhi Mountain Trail *** Explore your limits & embrace nature Wuzhi Mountain Trail (WMT) is the most highly technical course in Taiwan island, the spring climate temperature is the most suitable for uphill cross-season, into the mountains, close to nature, to the sun, sweat, embrace mother nature, in the Jiantan mountain, Wenjian mountain, Darenwei mountain, Golden mountain, and small Golden mountain with climbing over 1000 meters, to experience the beauty of mountain forests, bamboos, stream, fresh air, absorb the essence of nature, and sports sweat pleasure near Taipei. The scenery is absolutely epic and fantastic. The event provides a wealth of prizes and runners can enjoy a fantastic vibe with drinks, beer, and meals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgjiwiZvbl8
