A testimony full of hope

We received the testimony of Ana, Alberto's wife. She wanted to tell us about the ordeal they are going through and how sport helps them get through the challenges of life. We wish them all our support and courage.
Thank you for your heartfelt testimony.

"The following story portrays the overcoming of adversity and how sport can affect it.

My name is Ana, I am from Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz in Spain.

Last May 3rd 2022, my husband Alberto and I had an appointment with the neurologist at the University Hospital of Puerto Real.

We had requested an appointment with this specialist since Alberto had been having sleep problems for a long time, with tremors in his hands... it was already something worrying.

After talking to the neurologist, telling them about his symptoms and so on, he put several possible diagnoses on the table, the most likely being Parkinson's disease.

Our bodies froze. But there was still hope. Maybe, it was not Parkinson's disease but something else.

We start with the medical tests.

On August 22, a screen scan is performed, to rule out Parkinson's disease. A tough test if ever there was one.

On September 15 we get the fateful diagnosis. Alberto suffers from Parkinson's disease. Our world falls apart. We have two young children, 10 and 8 years old... he has a job he is happy with, a full life... he is strong, a healthy guy....... Why him?

Months ago, he had won a bib for the Valle de la Genal trail running race. – “Ana, I'm not going to do it. It's not going to be good for me.”- He told me sometimes, until little by little he resumed his training and began to feel better.

We have days of many ups and downs. Many moments of throwing in the towel. But little by little we have to overcome this, which will be forever part of our lives.

On October 22nd 2022, he participated in the Valle del Genal race, finishing 5th overall. We feared that the disease would play a trick on him, but he concentrated on the race and it went well.

1. Chito / 2. Paco Guerrero / 3. Iván Tejero 

On Monday October 24, 2022, Chito, the best speaker in the world, did a great interview with him, where he told his story.

I hope it will be useful to anyone who is going through a bad time. Do not throw in the towel. That you have to find the good side of things. Life puts many obstacles to teach us to be strong. So hold on to what you like, what makes you feel free and live."
