Runner insurance is already 1 year old!

It has already been one year since ITRA set up the runner insurance in partnership with ASSURICO and MUTUAIDE!

“Run freely, yes! But safety first!”

What is it exactly?

> Two options:  either a yearly contract or a temporary contract (wich covers one race only)
> Sport activities covered: Running, trail-running, walking, hiking, trekking, bicycle touring and mountain biking, cross-country skiing and snowshoe hiking.
> Practice environment: while training, when competing, when hiking, on route recognition.

Who benefited from it?

Distribution table of runner insurance policies in 2017:

english distribution

Worldwide geographical breakdown of policy holders :

carte assurance coureur

Runners' feedbacks

"This insurance is a wonderful value, and is perhaps the best service that ITRA makes available to the runners. Thank you very much."

"I bought it after the accident of my partner (....) when the ambulance came to pick him up he got it for 18 000€. Previously, I had never taken out insurance but I ofent run trails abroad (3 to 5 per year) so I had taken one for the year."

More information here
