Become a member of the Steering Committee

janetJanet NG, the ITRA's treasurer member testifies to her experience within the Steering Committee:

"As a member of the Steering Committee, you will be playing an important role in shaping the sport of trail running.  You will apply your knowledge and expertise to help the association to develop in a healthy way and to ensure that the interest of trail runners worldwide is best served.  I hope that you will take on this challenging but interesting task and put your name forward for election to be a member!" 

Become a member of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of 17 ITRA members elected for 4 years by the members of the General Assembly. He is in charge of supervising the actions of the ITRA.

It is composed of:
- 3 permanent members 
- 8 organizer members
- 4 "regular" runner members
- 2 elite runner members

How become a member

Who can be a member? 

All ITRA members with a up-to date membership can apply. Their membership must be up-dated for all the full period of elections and for all the term of the Steering Committee mandate. 

How to apply?  

Fill it and respect the size (1 page maximum)
Send it to with the following item: "Application for the Steering Committee" 

Until when to apply? 

You have until Thursday, 30th May 2019 at 11:59 pm (Swiss time) to send us your application. 


The dates for the election of the Steering Committee will be determined at the General Assembly on Friday 7 June 2019 in Coimbra (Portugal). Only participants in this General Assembly will be able to vote.