Event Information

 Beijing, China
23 April 2022

Breaking 3-Six Peak Turn Back 2022

六峰包含北尖、阳台山、妙峰山、孙家山、张家山、高家山。从大觉寺出发,大觉寺,位于北京市海淀区阳台山麓,始建于辽代咸雍四年(1068年),称清水院,金代时大觉寺为金章宗西山八大水院之一,后改名灵泉寺,明重建后改为大觉寺。 北尖海拔1100米,阳台山最高海拔1278米,妙峰山主峰最高海拔1290米,与阳台山、北尖三峰相对成三角形,成为海淀、昌平、门头沟交界处三座海拔过千米的高峰。再经过孙家山、张家山、高家山,中途会路过网红打卡地“大裂缝”,坡度起起伏伏,沿路可欣赏到无尽的风景。

The six peaks include Beijian, Yangtai mountain, Miaofeng Mountain, sunjiashan, Zhangjiashan and Gaojiashan. Starting from Dajue temple, located at the foot of balcony mountain in Haidian District, Beijing, Dajue temple was founded in the fourth year of Xianyong in the Liao Dynasty (1068), known as Qingshui courtyard. In the Jin Dynasty, Dajue temp


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Laijian Dajue Temple, China

Finish Location: Henan station, China

Type of Terrain: 100% Paths / 0% Tracks / 0% Roads

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