Event Information

27 July 2019

Ferriere Trail Festival 2019

IL FERRIERE TRAIL FESTIVAL (alla sua 7° EDIZIONE) è una corsa in ambiente naturale, in semi autosufficienza alimentare, su un terreno vario di vecchie piste e sentieri storici, dove la natura in alcuni punti se ne è in parte riappropriata. La gara da km 102 si disputerà Venerdì alle ore 23.00, denominata “Three Valleys Grand Tour"

IL FERRIERE TRAIL FESTIVAL (in its 6th EDITION) is a race in a natural environment, in semi self-sufficient food, on a varied terrain of old tracks and historical paths, where nature in some places has partially re-appropriated them. The race will be held on Friday at 23.00, called "Three Valleys Grand Tour".

54 km

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: FERRIERE, Italy

Finish Location: , Italy

Type of Terrain: 74% Paths / 20% Tracks / 6% Roads

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