Event Information

30 April 2021 to 01 May 2021

Ferriere Trail Festival 2021

IL FERRIERE TRAIL FESTIVAL (alla sua 7° EDIZIONE) è una corsa in ambiente naturale, in semi autosufficienza alimentare, su un terreno vario di vecchie piste e sentieri storici, dove la natura in alcuni punti se ne è in parte riappropriata. La gara da km 102 si disputerà Venerdì alle ore 23.00, denominata “Three Valleys Grand Tour"

IL FERRIERE TRAIL FESTIVAL (in its 6th EDITION) is a race in a natural environment, in semi self-sufficient food, on a varied terrain of old tracks and historical paths, where nature in some places has partially re-appropriated them. The race will be held on Friday at 23.00, called "Three Valleys Grand Tour".


TVGT, Three Valleys GT, 101 km

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: FERRIERE, Italy

Finish Location: FERRIERE, Italy

Type of Terrain: 51% Paths / 48% Tracks / 1% Roads

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