Event Information

 Visby, Sweden
07 October 2023

Gotland Ultramarathon 2023

Gotland Ultramarathon är ett lättsprunget traillopp som startar i Hallshuk på norra Gotland och 50 kilometer senare går man i mål i Visby. Det loppet saknar i höjdmeter, tar det igen med alla fantastiska vyer du får längs Gotlands norra kust.

Gotland Ultramarathon is an easily runnable trail race that starts in Hallshuk in northern Gotland and finishes 50 kilometers later in Visby. While the race lacks in elevation gain, it compensates with all the breathtaking views you encounter along the northern coast of Gotland.


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Hallshuk, Sweden

Finish Location: Visby, Sweden

Type of Terrain: 70% Paths / 25% Tracks / 5% Roads

The race course has not been uploaded by the organizer!

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