Event Information

 5243 Podbrdo, Slovenia
15 June 2013

Podbrdo Trail Running Festival 2013

Na drugi strani Bohinjske doline se nahaja Baška grapa, v kateri leži vasica Podbrdo. Prav v tej vasici se je davnega leta 1970 odvil prvi gorski tek v Sloveniji. Okolica Alpskih gora in Škofjeloškega hribovja je odlicna kombinacija visokogorskih stezic in hribovskih poljan za najatraktivnejše traile. Vse napore na poteh odtehta prijaznost domacino

Across from the Bohinj hills there is the Baška grapa valley, where lies a small village Podbrdo. In this very village the first mountain run in Slovenia took place in 1970. The surrounding Alpine mountains and the Škofja Loka hills make an excellent combination of high mountain trails and hilly fields which provide for the most attractive tracks.


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: , Slovenia

Finish Location: , Slovenia

Type of Terrain: 0% Paths / 0% Tracks / 0% Roads

The race course has not been uploaded by the organizer!
