Event Information

 Luintra, Spain
13 October 2019

Trail Ribeira Sacra 2019

Un trail único, que no te dejará indeferente, con espíritu TRS y cargado de un entorno inigualable como la Ribeira Sacra, un post carrera de productos autóctonos de la Comunidad Gallega.

A unique trail, which will not leave you indifferent, with the TRS spirit and loaded with an incomparable environment such as the Ribeira Sacra, a post-race of native products from the Galician Community.

Trail Ribeira Sacra 24

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Luintra, Spain

Finish Location: Luintra, Spain

Type of Terrain: 25% Paths / 25% Tracks / 50% Roads

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