Event Information

 阿坝州小金县四姑娘山镇, China
03 September 2023

四姑娘山云间花径越野跑 - Siguniang Mountain Yunjianhua 2023

四姑娘山云间花径是深行赛事打造的“环四娘山超级越野跑”夏季姊妹赛事。在绿绒蒿盛开的季节,带大家重走威尔逊之路,体验四姑娘山雪山在云雾中若隐若现,湖畔鲜花满地的云中花径。 2018年首届云间花径只有来自6个省、直辖市、自治区、特别行政区选手共147人报名参与。 2019四姑娘山云间花径,预计招募400人,实际报名参与546人,同比规模增长372%。据统计,共有来自全国27个省、直辖市、自治区、特别行政区选手,70个城市的选手参与,区域覆盖增长350%。 2020四姑娘山云间花径训练营报名563人,是疫情解禁后下大陆首个五百人以上具有ITRA积分的越野赛。同时在悦跑圈app开设线上跑活动,同时段线上参与人数超过16万人。 2021四姑娘山云间花径越野跑,一开放首周就超过1000多名选手

Mount Siguniang Cloud Path is a summer sister event of "Super Cross country running around Siguniang Mountain" created by Shenzhen Travel Event. In the season when Artemisia annua is in full bloom, we will take you back to the Wilson Road, and experience the snow mountain of Mount Siguniang looming in the clouds, and the flower paths in the clouds


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: 阿坝州小金县四姑娘山镇, China

Finish Location: 阿坝州小金县四姑娘山镇, China

Type of Terrain: 71% Paths / 29% Tracks / 0% Roads

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