Event Information

 阿坝藏族羌族自治州松潘县, China
02 May 2023

2023第四届黄龙极限耐力赛 2023

首届黄龙极限耐力赛于2018年举办,2023年4月30日-5月2日将举办本赛事的第四届。 黄龙极限耐力赛的赛事线路围绕世界自然遗产“黄龙”风景名胜区,将黄龙、七藏沟、雪宝顶(岷山山脉主峰,海拔5588米)、松州古城和当地茶马古道有机串联,融合雪山、彩池、海子、瀑布、森林、峡谷、滩流、古寺、村寨、民俗等自然风光和历史人文景观。 黄龙极限耐力赛所在地四川省阿坝州松潘县位于青藏高原东缘,距成都300余公里,成都平原重要的水资源岷江发源于此。松潘县有2300多年的建置史,松州古城也已经有1300多年历史,始建于唐高祖武德元年(公元618年),从唐朝开始,松州就成了中国西部重要的边陲军事重镇和川西地区的门户。由于地处多个民族的势力范围交界处,造就了这座历史古城藏、羌、回、汉为主的多民族文化相互融合的风

The first Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race was held in 2018, and the fourth session of the event will be held from April 30 to May 2, 2023. The race route of the Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race is around the world natural heritage "Huanglong" scenic spot. It organically connects Huanglong, Qizanggou, Xuebaoding (the main peak of Minshan Mountains


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/05/02
 Start Time: 07:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 52.50
 Elevation Gain: +2320
 Elevation Loss: -2600
 Time Limit: 15:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 6
 Number of Participants: 300
Championship: Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race

About the Race

首届黄龙极限耐力赛于2018年举办,今年4月30日-5月2日将举办本赛事的第四届。 黄龙极限耐力赛的赛事线路围绕世界自然遗产“黄龙”风景名胜区,将黄龙、七藏沟、雪宝顶(岷山山脉主峰,海拔5588米)、松州古城和当地茶马古道有机串联,融合雪山、彩池、海子、瀑布、森林、峡谷、滩流、古寺、村寨、民俗等自然风光和历史人文景观。黄龙极限耐力赛所在地四川省阿坝州松潘县位于青藏高原东缘,距成都300余公里,成都平原重要的水资源岷江发源于此。松潘县有2300多年的建置史,松州古城也已经有1300多年历史,始建于唐高祖武德元年(公元618年),从唐朝开始,松州就成了中国西部重要的边陲军事重镇和川西地区的门户。由于地处多个民族的势力范围交界处,造就了这座历史古城藏、羌、回、汉为主的多民族文化相互融合的风貌。2018-2019年,“黄龙-牟尼沟-九寨沟(茶马古道)”线路曾连续2年在中国体育旅游博览会被评为“中国体育旅游十佳精品项目”。

The first Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race was held in 2018, and the fourth session of this race will be held from April 30 to May 2 this year. The race route of the Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race is around the world natural heritage "Huanglong" scenic spot. It organically connects Huanglong, Qizanggou, Xuebaoding (the main peak of Minshan Mountains, with an altitude of 5588 meters), Songzhou Ancient City and the local Tea-Horse Ancient Road, and integrates the natural scenery and historical and cultural landscape such as snow mountains, color pools, waterfalls, forests, canyons, beaches, ancient temples, villages, and folk customs. Songpan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, where the Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race is located, is located at the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, more than 300 kilometers away from Chengdu, where the Minjiang River, an important water resource in the Chengdu Plain, originates. Songpan County has a history of more than 2300 years, and the ancient city of Songzhou has a history of more than 1300 years. It was first built in the first year of Wude, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty (618 AD). Since the Tang Dynasty, Songzhou has become an important frontier military town in western China and a gateway to western Sichuan. As it is located at the junction of the spheres of influence of multiple nationalities, it has created a feature of the integration of multi-ethnic cultures, mainly Tibetan, Qiang, Hui and Han, in this historical ancient city. In 2018-2019, the "Huanglong-Munigou Jiuzhaigou (Ancient Tea-Horse Road)" route was rated as "China's Top Ten Sports Tourism Projects" at the China Sports Tourism Expo for two consecutive years.

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