Event Information

 Gomera, Spain
27 October 2023

3 Días Trail Trebol 2023

3 etapas bien distintas entre sí, se hace difícil elegir solo una: La nocturna de la primera etapa en la que se encienden las luces, en la que en los rostros de los corredores se lee que todo está a punto de comenzar. La segunda etapa con dos modalidades 10 y 27 kms por caminos rodeados de la belleza de una las islas más bonitas. Y la tercera etap

3 very different stages, it is difficult to choose just one: The night of the first stage in which the lights are turned on, in which the faces of the runners read that everything is about to begin. The second stage with two modalities 10 and 27 kms on roads surrounded by the beauty of one of the most beautiful islands. And the third stage closes

3 Días Trail Trebol

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/10/27
 Start Time: 18:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 48.30
 Elevation Gain: +2920
 Elevation Loss: -2900
 Time Limit: 9:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 4
 Number of Participants: 300
Challenge: Completar las 3 etapas

About the Race

3 etapas bien distintas entre sí, se hace difícil elegir solo una: La nocturna de la primera etapa en la que se encienden las luces, en la que en los rostros de los corredores se lee que todo está a punto de comenzar. La segunda etapa con dos modalidades 10 y 27 kms por caminos rodeados de la belleza de una las islas más bonitas. Y el domingo cerramos con otros 10 kms.

3 very different stages, it is difficult to choose just one: The night of the first stage in which the lights are turned on, in which the faces of the runners read that everything is about to begin. The second stage with two modalities 10 and 27 kms on roads surrounded by the beauty of one of the most beautiful islands. And on Sunday we close with another 10 kms.

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