Event Information

 阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县四姑娘山镇, China
03 November 2023 to 04 November 2023

3第八届环四姑娘山超级越野跑 8th Ultra Trail Run around Four Girls Mountains 2023

2021第七届环四姑娘山超级越野跑因为疫情原因全年停赛,第四届云间花径越野赛报名突破千人,成为国内长距离高海拔越野跑赛事中,第二场突破千人的赛事。第七届环四姑娘山超极越野跑延期至2022年举办,2022年赛事仅设置35公里、50公里、75公里三个组别组别,于11月4日如期举办,重启了国内的高海拔越野跑赛事。在2022年成渝体育产业联盟会议中,被评为2021年度川渝体育旅游精品赛事,同时被评为四川省优秀体育旅游示范项目。 2023年第四届云间花径越野跑开启报名3小时50分,1500个名额即报满,2023第八届环四姑娘山超级越野跑将于11月1日至5日正式开启。

In 2021, the 7th Mount Siguniang Super Cross country running will be suspended all the year round due to the epidemic situation. The 4th Cloud Flower Trail Cross country Race will have more than 1000 entries, becoming the second race to have more than 1000 entries in domestic long-distance and high-altitude Cross country running events. The seventh


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/11/04
 Start Time: 03:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 74.00
 Elevation Gain: +3890
 Elevation Loss: -3890
 Time Limit: 24:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 8
 Number of Participants: 500
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