Event Information

 Novi Sad, Serbia
22 April 2023

46th Fruška Gora Trail 2023

Small East Extreme Trail

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/04/22
 Start Time: 08:45:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 42.20
 Elevation Gain: +2080
 Elevation Loss: -2080
 Time Limit: 8:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 150

About the Race

Najkraca kružna staza koja vam donosi 2 ITRA poena! Ove godine je po prvi put sertifikovana od strane ITRA. Želja nam je da pružimo mogucnost za ucešce, svima onima koji su se do sada oprobali u maratonskim ulicnim trkama, kracim trail trkama ili jednostavno postavljaju pred sebe nove životne izazove. Ovo je odlican pocetak za sve one koji imaju ambiciju i planove da se naredne godine oprobaju na dužim distancama našeg planinarskog maratona.

Small East Extreme Trail is the shortest circular cours that brings you 2 ITRA points! This year, for the first time, it was certified by ITRA. Our desire is to provide an opportunity for participation, to all those who have been trained in marathon street races so far, shorter trails or simply posed new life challenges. This is a great start for those who have the ambition and plans to try the long distances of our trail race next year.

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