Jeseniky marathon takes runners on the main peaks of the Hruby Jesenik mountains. The course follows the mountain ridge with its highest point Praded (1491 m. a. s. l.). The course is extremely challenging with the paved as well as unpaved paths / trails. There are some truly stunning sections of the route showing off the best of Jeseniky mountains
Bežecký denní závod vedoucí pres jedinecný hreben Hrubého Jeseníku v délce jak maratonské tak pulmaratonské trati. Nárocný a fascinující profil, vresovište, slate, skalky, tedy zážitky nejen z behu.
Day running competition over unique mountain ridge of Hrubý Jeseník Mountain in the marathon and half marathon distance. Hard, fascinating profile, heath, bog, little rock, emphasizing adventure from running.