Event Information

 nipaluna / HOBART, Australia
23 March 2024

kunanyi Mountain Run 2024

You’re invited to “run with kunanyi” – the famous mountain on Hobart’s doorstep that is rich in culture, history and incredibly diverse landscapes. The palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal community) generously welcome and share kunanyi with trail runners – whether you’re a seasoned ultra runner or reasonably new to running on trails.

kMR Ultra Solo

ITRA Points
Itra Images
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2024/03/23
 Start Time: 06:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 64.70
 Elevation Gain: +3610
 Elevation Loss: -3610
 Time Limit: 19:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 5
 Number of Participants: 200

About the Race

Only 200 places available on this epic and super tough ultra circumnavigating kunanyi and down and up each major valley! For experienced ultra trail runners only who have qualifying runs. Those that immerse themselves in the challenge, connect with, and run with kunanyi, tend to go home a little calmer, more connected to themselves, and our amazing landscapes. We invite you to connect, challenge yourself, and create your own kunanyi story.