Currently we are already in 7th edition King of Kemensah Trail. We have a lot of good news to share: 1. All 2022 registered participants will get a 25% discount this year. Yeap loyalty rate from us. Enjoy the rate. 2. We will have 100KM this year with 3500m elevation gain. 3. We will remain in the old categories, 50KM, 30KM, 18KM, 10KM and 5KM. 4. Longer cut of time so we will have more time to see the beauty of Kemensah Jungle. 5. We will start in interval timing based on your categories. 6. We will have 2 days trail event this round. 7. We are going to recognize the top 10 finishes with trophy and products. There is RM15,000 prize to be grab. 8. There is UTMB and ITRA point for 100KM, 50KM and 30KM categories. 9. Limited to 1000 slots only. Let’s CONQUER THE KINGDOM.