本次比赛起终点设置在东海云廊13号入口,途径状元阁、泉香亭等标志性人文建筑,赛道全程约18KM,累计爬升1070m。 它以多样的路线条件,吸引选手们的到来。小碎石路段,连续的上山、下山,轻微的坡度......赛道难度适中,对于小白与老手来说都是一次新的挑战。
The race starts and ends at the entrance of Donghai Yundang No. 13, passing through Zhuangyuan Pavilion, Quanxiang Pavilion and other landmark cultural buildings. The track is about 18KM in length, with a total climb of 1070m. It attracts runners with a variety of route conditions. Small gravel sections, continuous uphill and downhill, slight incli