金山岭长城100越野赛是围绕被誉为“中国最美“的金山岭长城打造。赛道线路横贯北京北部的著名燕山山脉。赛事突出户外运动与中国文化的融合,希望通过越野跑这一国际新兴户外运动形式,为人们创造全新的机会与视角, 近距离体验千年中国文化。
An unique trail race design around the prestigious Jinshanling Great Wall and surrounding Yan mountain.
The most popular group of the event, is mainly for runners who just got into trail running or are transitioning from road running to trail running. The 30k covers the same route as the 50k track, but takes an early exit after the Great Wall section and goes for the finish line.