Event Information

 Ribes de Freser, Spain
06 June 2015 to 21 October 2015

Els Bastions® SkyRaces 2015


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2015/06/06
 Start Time: 00:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 68.40
 Elevation Gain: +3980
 Elevation Loss: -3990
 Time Limit: 20:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 6
 Number of Participants: 0

About the Race

Cursa circular de 76Km i 5.451m de desnivell positiu i 5.451m de desnivell negatiu que amb sortida i arribada a Ribes de Freser permet coronar els bastions més alts de la Vall de Ribes, el Puigmal, Eina, Noufonts, Noucreus, Torreneules, Balandrau i el Taga. Es tracta d'una cursa ideal pels que volen iniciar-se a les proves de llarga distància o vulguin provar-se abans de fer la prova reina. L'alçada mitja de la prova és de 2.057m i s'assoleix la cota màxima al cim del Puigmal (2.910m).

A circular race of 76Km with a positive and negative height difference of 5.451m and starting and finishing at Ribes de Freser. This is a trail that takes the runners to the highest peaks of the Vall de Ribes, the Puigmal, Eina, Noufonts, Noucreus, Torreneules, Balandrau and Taga. It is an ideal race for those wanting to start out on long distance trails or wishing to test themselves before the main event. The most part of the race is at an altitude of over 2.000m with an average height of 2.057m and the highest point is at the peak of Puigmal (2.910m).

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