Event Information

 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
11 November 2023

GO4trail - Nova Gorica - Slovenia 2023

Jesensko doživetje po poteh, ki združujejo. Sabotin, Škabrijel in Sveta Gora so v samem središču našega doživetja. Vzpetine, ki so nekoč ločevale, nas danes združujejo in prav tukaj smo se odločili, da vam ponudimo edinstveno tekaško izkušnjo. Čez njihove vrhove smo postavili tri proge. Na razdaljah 10, 28 in 64km vam ponujamo tek po čudovitih ste

An autumn experience along paths that unite. Sabotin, Škabrijel and Sveta Gora are at the heart of our experience. The hills that once separated us now unite us, and it is here that we have decided to offer you a unique running experience. We have built three routes across their peaks. At distances of 10, 28 and 64km, we offer you the chance to ru


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/11/11
 Start Time: 09:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 28.80
 Elevation Gain: +1660
 Elevation Loss: -1660
 Time Limit: 17:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 400

About the Race

GO4trail 28km 1700+ The run is intended for experienced trail runners and will take you over three NOVA GORICA peaks ( Škabrijel, Sveta Gora and Sabotin) in a very special way. We offer you beautiful paths, crossing the Soča by raft and running over the longest footbridge in Slovenia and overcoming a 280-meter-long cavern from the First World War. This is more than enough that as an experienced trail runner you simply must be part of the race and coplete your autumn experience with us.
