Event Information

 Pohorje, Slovenia
07 October 2023


Če iščeš nove izzive in te klasičen format trail tekmovanj več ne zadovolji, ti ponujamo povsem novo izkušnjo, kjer boš v veliki meri odvisen le od sebe. Gre za prvo samooskrbno trail tekmo v Sloveniji, ki na poti ne bo imela oznak in kjer ne bo običajnih okrepčevalnih ter tranzitnih postaj.

If you are looking for new challenges and you are no longer satisfied with the classic trail competition format, we offer you a completely new experience where you will largely depend only on yourself. It is the first self-sufficient trail race in Slovenia, which will not have signs along the way and where there will be no usual refreshment...


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/10/07
 Start Time: 07:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 70.80
 Elevation Gain: +3740
 Elevation Loss: -4040
 Time Limit: 14:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 12
 Number of Participants: 100
Challenge: 70 km

About the Race

Če iščeš nove izzive in te klasičen format trail tekmovanj več ne zadovolji, ti ponujamo povsem novo izkušnjo, kjer boš v veliki meri odvisen le od sebe. Gre za prvo samooskrbno trail tekmo v Sloveniji, ki na poti ne bo imela oznak in kjer ne bo običajnih okrepčevalnih ter tranzitnih postaj. Ves čas se boš moral orientirati po Knafelčevih markacijah in GPX sledi v uri ali pametnem telefonu. Ponujamo ti enkratno zlitje z naravo in odkrivanje najbolj skrivnostnih pohorskih kotičkov, kjer bodo prišli na plano tvoja iznajdljivost, moč, trdna volja in vzdržljivost. Največji del poti poteka po Slovenska Planinska Pot, ki letos praznuje 70 obletnico in drugih pohorskih planinskih poteh.

f you are looking for new challenges and you are no longer satisfied with the classic trail competition format, we offer you a completely new experience where you will largely depend only on yourself. It is the first self-sufficient route race in Slovenia, which will not have markings on the route and where there will be no usual refreshment and transit stations. All the time you will orient yourself according to Knafelč's markings and GPX tracks on your watch or smartphone. We achieved a unique fusion of nature and discovery of the most mysterious corners of Pohorje, where your ingenuity, strength, determination and endurance will come to the fore. The largest part of the route runs along the SPP, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year on other Pohorje mountain routes.

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