Event Information

 Suzhou, China
25 November 2023

SUZHOU 100 URBAN ULTRA TRAIL RACE-2023苏州100城市越野赛 2023


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/11/25
 Start Time: 03:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 103.60
 Elevation Gain: +3920
 Elevation Loss: -3920
 Time Limit: 28:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 16
 Number of Participants: 140

About the Race

(一)请选手如实填写个人信息,完成报名注册。组委会将对注册信息真实性进行核实,一旦发现有虚报行为,则取消其2023苏州100城市越野赛参赛资格。 (二)利用违规手段获得(包括但不限于转让、盗取、倒卖)参赛资格或使用非本届赛事号码布参赛的违规者,比赛中发生的一切后果责任自负。违规行为经组委会核实确认后,将对违规者处以苏州100城市越野赛终身禁赛的处罚。对于情节恶劣或造成一定社会负面影响的,组委会将报请相关部门追究其法律责任。 (三)选手报名成功后,报名费不予退还。所有名额仅限本人参赛,不允许转让。 (四)为保护赛事赞助商权益,除组委会指定赞助商外,赛道全程严禁出现其他任何形式的带有商业宣传性质的宣传物,包括但不限于旗帜、条幅、气球、模型等物品。违规物品将被没收,违规者将被取消参赛资格。 (五)如遇不可抗力,导致赛事改期或取消,组委会将另行通知。

(1) Please fill in the personal information truthfully and complete the registration. The Organizing committee will verify the authenticity of the registration information, and once it is found that there is a false report, it will cancel the qualification of 2023 Suzhou 100 City cross-country Race. (2) Violators who use illegal means to obtain (including but not limited to transfer, steal, resell) entry qualifications or use non-event bibs to participate in the competition shall be responsible for all consequences that occur in the competition. After the violation is verified and confirmed by the organizing committee, the violators will be punished with a lifetime ban from Suzhou 100 City cross-country. For bad circumstances or caused a certain negative social impact, the organizing committee will be reported to the relevant departments to investigate its legal responsibility. (3) After successful registration, the registration fee will not be refunded. All places are for personal entry only and are not transferable. (4) In order to protect the rights and interests of event sponsors, except for the sponsors designated by the Organizing Committee, any other form of commercial publicity materials, including but not limited to flags, banners, balloons, models and other items, are strictly prohibited throughout the course. Violations will be confiscated and violators will be disqualified from the competition. (5) In case of force majeure, the event will be rescheduled or cancelled, the Organizing committee will notify you separately.

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