Event Information

 Ruše, Slovenia
26 August 2017

Trail maraton Pohorje 2017

44 km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2017/08/26
 Start Time: 08:30:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 44.40
 Elevation Gain: +2280
 Elevation Loss: -2270
 Time Limit: 9:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 10
 Number of Participants: 300

About the Race

Start in cilj trase bo v Rušah. Na celotni dolžini 44 km bo potrebno premagati 2.160 m vzpona in prav toliko spusta. Trasa bo v celoti oznacena, na njej pa bo 10 okrepcevalnih postaj. Velik del trase bo potekal po gozdnih poteh in vlakah, le majhen odstotek pa po utrjenih makadamskih poteh.

Start and finish are in Ruše. On the 44 km track, runners will have to face 2.160 meters of elevation. The course mostly follows forest trails, only a small part on macadam roads. There are 10 refreshment points along the track.
