Event Information

 Sinj, Croatia
03 June 2022 to 05 June 2022

Ultra trail Dinarides 2022


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/06/03
 Start Time: 21:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 123.30
 Elevation Gain: +6040
 Elevation Loss: -6110
 Time Limit: 36:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 6
 Number of Participants: 600

About the Race

KNIGHT’S RACE je naša druga najduža utrka koja starta sa izvora Cetine poznatog i kao “OKO”. Sam start utrke se nalazi na ruti King’s staze tako da istom rutom ide sve do Kamešnice gdje malo prije njenog najvećeg vrha Konj krati dužu stazu i spaja se opet na nju malo niže prije vrha Glavaš odakle istom rutom ide u cilj. Dužina od 123 km sa 6000m visinske razlike čini je vrlo izazovnom ali predivnom stazom koju ne treba podcijeniti.

KNIGHT’S RACE is our second longest trail. It starts at the Centina river souce, also known as The Eye. The start mark is located along the King’s race trail, so the two trails share a route all the way to Kamešnica. Just before Kamešnica’s highest peak Konj the two trails separate and the Knight’s trail takes a shorter rout towards the Glavaš peak where they merge again and run together to the finish mark. The length of 123km with a 6000m height difference make this a very challenging but beautiful trail which should not be underestimated.
