Event Information

 TKON, Croatia
02 March 2024


Škraping je jedinstvena međunarodna treking utrka po oštrom otočnom kamenju koja spada u vrstu ekstremnih sportova. Svake godine održava se na otoku Pašmanu tijekom ožujka, dok će se sljedeća utrka održati u subotu 2. ožujka 2024. godine pod nazivom Škraping 2024 Natjecatelji na startu dobivaju kartu otoka s ucrtanim kontrolnim točkama koje moraju

Škraping is a unique international trekking race on sharp island rocks and belongs to the kind of extreme sports. It’s held each year on the island of Pasman in March and this year it will be held on March 2nd, 2024. Competitors at the start of the race get map of the island showing the checkpoints that must go as soon as possible During the race


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2024/03/02
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 43.70
 Elevation Gain: +460
 Elevation Loss: -430
 Time Limit: 12:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 4
 Number of Participants: 100

About the Race

Staza prati obalni dio otoka Pašmana sa startom u Ždrelcu (ispod mosta) pa do cilja u Tkonu s ukupno 12 kontrolnih točaka.

Ultra track follows island Pašman’s shore with start of the race in Ždrelac (under the bridge) and finish in Tkon with 12 control points along the track.
