Event Information

 Reykjavik, Iceland
19 September 2020

Iceland Backyard Ultra 2020

Bakgarður Náttúruhlaupa (Iceland Backyard Ultra) verður haldinn í fyrsta skiptið laugardaginn 19. september. Keppnin verður hefðbundið bakgarðshlaup og fer eftir ákveðinni uppsetningu og reglum (http://backyardultra.com/rules/). Hlaupin verður 6,7km hringur á hverjum klukkutíma. Sá sem hleypur flesta hringi er sá eini sem klárar hlaupið og stendur

The Iceland Backyard Ultra will be held for the first time on the 19th of September 2020. Date for the 2021 edition will be announced soon.

Backyard Ultra 15 loops

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League
Runner Time Race Score Age Gender Nationality
1 SKULASON Asgeir 14:43:21
Become an ITRA member for 8€ per year to unlock all your race statistics
42 H ISL
2 KRISTINSSON Kristinn 14:45:40 33 H ISL
3 VIGFUSSON Birgir 14:50:55 38 H ISL
4 Jónsdóttir Kolbrún Ósk 14:51:33 39 F ISL
5 OLAFSSON Pall 14:51:37 42 H ISL
6 SKULASON Kristjan 14:54:46 32 H ISL
7 Kjartansdottir Andrea 14:58:20 36 F ISL