Event Information

 Zheleznogorsk, Russia
10 October 2021

Sailyk Trail 2021

Сайлык - трейл таёжный, а это значит, что кроме спусков и подъёмов, вас ждут переправы через ручей Сайлык, подъем прямо по ручью и небольшие таежные водопады

Sailyk is a taiga trail, which means that in addition to descents and ascents, you will find crossings over the Sailyk stream, climbing directly along the stream, small taiga waterfalls and unforgettable panoramic views

2,5 km

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

This race has no published results yet.

If the race has already taken place, please contact the organizer to upload the results from their ITRA account!

Please note that only the organizer can upload the results of his race.
