Event Information

 Antananarivo, Madagascar
24 November 2023 to 26 November 2023

UTCS - Madagascar - Ultra Trek des Collines Sacrées 2023

Les collines sacrées, un peu d’histoire Il était une fois … le Roi Andrianampoinimerina, le Roi qui unifia le cœur de l’Imerina (vers 1787 –1810 - Madagascar). Il commence son règne comme souverain du petit royaume d'Ambohimanga, situé au nord d'Antananarivo. A partir d’Ambohimanga, il entreprend ensuite de réunifier presque tous le pays pour e

The sacred hills, a little history Once upon a time... King Andrianampoinimerina, the King who unified the heart of Imerina (around 1787 –1810 - Madagascar). He began his reign as sovereign of the small kingdom of Ambohimanga, located north of Antananarivo. From Ambohimanga, he then undertook to reunify almost the entire country to become its s

UTCS - Ultra Tour

Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League
Runner Time Race Score Age Gender Nationality
1 ANDRIANIRINA Rivosoa hobilalaina 11:02:55
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38 H MAD
2 RAOTOZAFY Jean Nelson 11:21:18 33 H MAD
3 AVOTRANIAINA Tahirinirina Jeannot 11:22:19 29 H MAD
4 RAFALIMANANA Hasina heritiana julien 12:13:16 40 H MAD
5 RAKOTONIRINA Fanomezantsoa 12:14:48 25 H MAD
6 RAJAONARISON Marivelo Jonah Fredy 12:58:40 28 H MAD
7 SOLOFOTIANA Therry gabriel 13:59:37 37 H MAD
9 MENGUY Xavier 14:30:25 26 H FRA
10 CUSSOT Sylvaine 14:32:05 41 F FRA
11 RAKOTONIRINA Mahefa 14:38:27 28 H MAD
12 Fontaine Alexandre 15:12:01 30 H MAD
13 NIRINASOA Angela 15:14:43 35 F MAD
14 ANDRIANASOLO Narisoa 15:20:07 49 H MAD
15 RABESANDRATANA Rojoarisoa dina 15:37:06 36 F MAD
16 RAKOTONOARY Emmanuel 16:05:08 57 H MAD
17 RAJONIAINA Mandimbisoa faneva 16:14:04 25 H MAD
18 MAMONJITIANA Edgerton guichard 16:29:55 48 H MAD
19 FENO ARNESA RAOBIVELOSOA Reunisel 17:03:13 32 H MAD
20 RANDRIAMITANTSOA Rova elia 17:27:04 30 H MAD
21 Raharijaona Toky 17:27:57 48 H MAD
22 ANDRIAMBOLOLONA Haja 18:03:15 44 H MAD
23 RAKOTOARIVELO Ialy 18:07:48 32 F MAD
24 TAHINJANAHARY Antokiniaina 18:16:40 47 H MAD
25 RAZAFINDRABE Nomenjanahary maurice 18:38:48 28 H MAD
26 RAMILISON Patrick Elian 19:14:17 52 H MAD
27 de vathaire sylvain 19:15:08 45 H FRA
28 Rafalimanana Onitiana 19:38:24 45 F MAD
29 PIRAUDON Nicolas 19:47:27 50 H FRA
30 RAMAROSON Nantenaina 19:56:30 49 F MAD
31 RAVELOSON Chouah 20:31:13 36 F MAD
32 ANDRIAMASIVELO Jean christophe 20:52:46 56 H MAD
33 RASOLOARISON Njaka 21:22:28 46 H MAD
34 RENIMAMPIAINA Mbolatiana coroni 21:48:59 43 F MAD
35 RABENOAVY Ando nelly 21:57:49 41 F MAD
36 RAMANANTSILAVINA E larry 22:25:46 41 H MAD
37 RAKOTONIAINA Mireille 22:26:03 44 F MAD
38 SOLOFONJATOVO Willfrid luc 22:46:23 50 H MAD
39 RAZAKAMIADANA Niasy 22:57:32 28 H MAD
40 LAI William 23:11:15 50 H MAD
41 RAKOTOARIMANANA Tojo niaina 24:40:17 29 H MAD
42 Ranaivoson Rinah Mialintsoa 27:02:59 28 F MAD
43 RANDRIARIMANANA Lalaina 27:38:42 42 F MAD
44 RAZAFINDRAKOTO Miora 27:40:03 45 F MAD
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