Sebastien DEBOIS

Performance Index | 498
M 50-54

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Sebastien's Race Results

Only races registered by organizers in ITRA will appear in your results
If some of your results are missing make sure that the race is registered in our calendar or directly contact the race organizer and ask him to join ITRA

Results/Race Information:
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2021-07-01 EDF Pierra Menta Eté - EDF Pierra Menta Ete 76 km / 7600 m+ 14:43:25 110 / 842 172 / 672 Subscribers only
2021-07-01 EDF Pierra Menta Eté - EDF Pierra Menta Ete France 76 km / 7600 m+ 14:43:25 110 / 842 172 / 672 Subscribers only
2021-07-01 EDF Pierra Menta Eté - EDF Pierra Menta Ete 76 km / 7600 m+ 14:43:25 110 / 842 172 / 672 Subscribers only
2021-07-01 EDF Pierra Menta Eté - EDF Pierra Menta Ete France 76 km / 7600 m+ 14:43:25 110 / 842 172 / 672 Subscribers only
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2020-09-04 SwissPeaks Trail - 90K Switzerland 96 km / 5950 m+ 21:35:51 118 / 364 108 / 319 Subscribers only 8 420
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2019-10-13 Trail Vallée de Joux - 36K Switzerland 36 km / 1820 m+ 4:28:07 33 / 277 31 / 219 Subscribers only 6 410
2019-07-13 GRAN TRAIL COURMAYEUR - GTC 55 Km Italy 52 km / 3470 m+ 7:45:30 24 / 301 21 / 256 Subscribers only 10 260
2019-06-15 TRAIL DES CRÊTES DU CHABLAIS (TCC) - ENGAGE France 34 km / 2440 m+ 4:51:06 36 / 263 34 / 208 Subscribers only 9 230
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2018-07-14 GRAN TRAIL COURMAYEUR - GTC 55 Km Italy 58 km / 4140 m+ 9:36:01 98 / 295 88 / 241 Subscribers only 10 310
2018-06-03 LA TRANSJU'TRAIL - Le 36 km de la Transju'trail France 35 km / 2080 m+ 5:15:37 178 / 596 150 / 475 Subscribers only 7 330
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2017-08-31 UTMB® - OCC Switzerland 55 km / 3440 m+ 8:45:48 322 / 1565 283 / 1206 Subscribers only 8 340
2017-07-02 LA MONTAGN'HARD - LA MOINS'HARD 38 France 42 km / 3340 m+ 8:16:01 52 / 177 42 / 138 Subscribers only 0
2017-06-04 LA TRANSJU'TRAIL - 36 KM France 36 km / 2030 m+ 4:49:25 110 / 530 106 / 430 Subscribers only 0 280
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2016-09-24 Humani'Trail - « Baagh » Trail / Trail du Tigre – 55 km Switzerland 54 km / 3590 m+ 10:41:23 123 / 223 116 / 193 Subscribers only 9 380
2016-08-21 Le Belier - Marathon France 42 km / 1980 m+ 5:11:03 65 / 225 61 / 200 Subscribers only 0 370
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2015-10-11 Trail Vallée de Joux - 30K Switzerland 35 km / 1718 m+ 4:06:12 38 / 129 37 / 108 Subscribers only 6 380
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