Event Information

 Fagaras, Romania
06 May 2023

Alergaras in Fagaras 2023

Alergatori, iata Fagarasul! Fagaras, iata alergarea si alergatorii. Alergatorii cunosc Fagarasul în alergare, în cursele din oras, de pe promenada de pe lacul ce strajuieste Cetatea. Sau, în cursa de trail, vad panorama Tarii Fagarasului de sus: orasul, Muntii Fagaras, lunca si ”delta” Oltului, depresiunea Fagarasului, podisul Transilvan.

Runners, meet Fagaras! Fagaras, meet the runners! Let's showcase the running culture to the local community, while showcasing Fagaras to the visiting runners, through the intense&spectacular race which leads to paths with panoramic view over the City and the Citadel, over Fagaras Mountains, Olt delta, Fagaras Hollow and Transylvanian Plateau.


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Făgăraș, Romania

Finish Location: Făgăraș, Romania

Type of Terrain: 49% Paths / 41% Tracks / 10% Roads