Event Information

 Fagaras, Romania
06 May 2023

Alergaras in Fagaras 2023

Alergatori, iata Fagarasul! Fagaras, iata alergarea si alergatorii. Alergatorii cunosc Fagarasul în alergare, în cursele din oras, de pe promenada de pe lacul ce strajuieste Cetatea. Sau, în cursa de trail, vad panorama Tarii Fagarasului de sus: orasul, Muntii Fagaras, lunca si ”delta” Oltului, depresiunea Fagarasului, podisul Transilvan.

Runners, meet Fagaras! Fagaras, meet the runners! Let's showcase the running culture to the local community, while showcasing Fagaras to the visiting runners, through the intense&spectacular race which leads to paths with panoramic view over the City and the Citadel, over Fagaras Mountains, Olt delta, Fagaras Hollow and Transylvanian Plateau.


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/05/06
 Start Time: 09:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 19.60
 Elevation Gain: +600
 Elevation Loss: -600
 Time Limit: 4:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 300

About the Race

Fagarasu-i Fagaras! ... chiar si pe deal. Intensitate, variatie, spectacol vizual. Asta-i cursa Belvedere. O cursa ce te tine-n priza cu variatii de relief si de ritm, în care ”risti” sa te simti ca-ntr-o cursa pe munte, desi alergi pe deal. Începi alergând prin lunca domoala a Oltului, apoi dai peste o panta mai provocatoare decât ai întâlnit în cursele montane. Alergi pe creasta dealului si te bucuri de spectacolul vizual al Tarii Fagarasului, de muntii cu urme de zapada pe creste, depresiunea cu satele rasfirate ca un puzzle, lunca si delta Oltului, Podisul Transilvan ...si cobori brusc pe o muchie, treci printr-o ”jungla” cu liane, prin care-am croit drum ... urci alta muchie si ajungi la cel mai fain punct de belvedere din zona, cobori urmatoarea muchie pentru a urca alta, printr-o vie parasita, alergi pe creasta dealului cu orasul sub privire, cobori printr-o lutarie ... Ai prins ideea si ne oprim aici cu descrierea, dar fii atent la alergarea prin padurea de stejar, sa nu sperii caprioarele pe care le-ntâlnim deseori pe-acolo, iar la final pregateste-te de aplauze când faci turul Cetaaii Fagaras.

Fagaras is special even on the hills side. Intensity, variation, visual delight. This is Belvedere Race. One that keeps you guessing on the coming landshape and effort type, making you feel like mountain runnigh though you're on the hills. You start running through the mild riverside, then you climb a slope steeper than you've passed in mountain running. You run on the hill's ridge, enjoying the spectacular Fagaras County, with its majestic mountains with snow remains on top, the Fagaras Depression with its villages spread like in a puzzle, the Olt delta and the Transylvanian Plateau ... when you suddenly descend a short edge and pass through some kind of a jungle, with real lianas, then you climb the next edge in order to reach the most spectacular lookout point in the county, descend the one after, climb again, run the ridge with the city before your eyes, go down in a clay ravine ... You got the point and we'll cut here the description, if you promise not to scary the deers we oftenly met an the oak forrest and be prepared for the cheering when you go around the old Citadel, before the finish.

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