Event Information

 TRBOVLJE, Slovenia
07 January 2023

Knap Trail 2023

»Knap Trail« je športno tekaška prireditev, ki poteka po hribovju v osrčju Slovenije. Tekmovanje pod tem imenom je v preteklih letih že potekalo, bilo je eno izmed najbolje obiskanih in uspešnih športnih prireditev v Zasavju. Knap Trail je edino zimsko trail tekmovanje v Sloveniji.

Knap Trail is a mountain trail running event which takes place in the heart of Slovenia. The competition under the same name has already taken place in the past years and was one of the most successful and popular sports events in the Zasavje region. Knap Trail is the only winter trail running competition in Slovenia.


Itra Points
Mountain Level
Finisher level
National League

Race Course

Start Location: Trbovlje, Slovenia

Finish Location: TRBOVLJE, Slovenia

Type of Terrain: 98% Paths / 0% Tracks / 2% Roads
